Sabtu, 3 Oktober 2015
Sabtu, 26 September 2015
The circus, magic and 100 other things.
Assalamu'alaikum and hello! :D
How's it been guys? I've been doing great, Alhamdulillah~
One of the hundred things I wanted to post is an update about myself. I'm starting my university years in UK..somewhere in the kingdom. And that means, miles and miles away from home and my loved ones. Tough it is for me, to wake up and find that my lovely people's expecting the sunset in a few hours. It's the first step in my journey in! (*not an independent woman ehem) so I'm going to have face it anyway ;D.
Of course I'd like to touch more on my experience here...on my first week here, but as I mentioned tht's just one out of the hundred things that is invading head right now. I'll update some more soon! :D
The next particulars I'd like to share with you all is on MAGIC! (** throws dust of SPARKLES!)
I don't really believe in magic when I was small...or if I did, maybe I forgot...or maybe if I did, it's probably all on delusional superpower....but i do remember I believe in fairies and horses...oops!..pegasus, I meant.
Though that was the sad case, the happy fact is that I grew up in a happy childhood of fantasy storybooks and cartoons. I grew up with barbie dolls and movies, bunch of fairies books , bunch of imaginary friends and happy people. I had quite a magical childhood. wonderful, it was.
Where am I going with this? "I didn't believe in magic", said the 7 years old I.
But I had fond memories of it...which was childhood.(*AS i childhood was magic itself) And as I grew up I realized this..and I held on it tightly. MY past, I meant.
Thus I grew up to be a daydreamer...the person I am now. TADA!
A person who loves to try and believe that children can have a happy childhood with things like believing magic DO exist!'s where we go to particular no. 3.
How's it been guys? I've been doing great, Alhamdulillah~
One of the hundred things I wanted to post is an update about myself. I'm starting my university years in UK..somewhere in the kingdom. And that means, miles and miles away from home and my loved ones. Tough it is for me, to wake up and find that my lovely people's expecting the sunset in a few hours. It's the first step in my journey in! (*not an independent woman ehem) so I'm going to have face it anyway ;D.
Of course I'd like to touch more on my experience here...on my first week here, but as I mentioned tht's just one out of the hundred things that is invading head right now. I'll update some more soon! :D
The next particulars I'd like to share with you all is on MAGIC! (** throws dust of SPARKLES!)
I don't really believe in magic when I was small...or if I did, maybe I forgot...or maybe if I did, it's probably all on delusional superpower....but i do remember I believe in fairies and horses...oops!..pegasus, I meant.
Though that was the sad case, the happy fact is that I grew up in a happy childhood of fantasy storybooks and cartoons. I grew up with barbie dolls and movies, bunch of fairies books , bunch of imaginary friends and happy people. I had quite a magical childhood. wonderful, it was.
Where am I going with this? "I didn't believe in magic", said the 7 years old I.
But I had fond memories of it...which was childhood.(*AS i childhood was magic itself) And as I grew up I realized this..and I held on it tightly. MY past, I meant.
Thus I grew up to be a daydreamer...the person I am now. TADA!
A person who loves to try and believe that children can have a happy childhood with things like believing magic DO exist!'s where we go to particular no. 3.
It's not just any's a fictional circus written in a book with the same title. And it's not just any fictional circus in a book written by Cassie Beasly, it's a magical circus!!
I must sum up my feelings for the book first of all. It was truly heartwarming.
And that really sums up everything else. I just couldn't describe it in any other words. I just love it so much!!
It had been awhile since I read anything like it. Might as well be my first time.
I don't know if its a pre-teen or young adult or children's book...any way..I still feel attached to it.
I mean I read lots of "underage" novels don't I?
For unknown reasons, I can't graduate from that sort of level of books. I had read plenty which I fell in love with as well, which includes PETER NIMBLE AND HIS FANTASTIC EYES,(which was adventurous, humorous and a tale of princess and thieves. HA!)
The land of stories series.(which were amazing, original and creative. Entertains and tear me up every book)
100 cupboards trilogy(which I only had completed 1 book, and wow! I never quite read anything like it. WOWERS!)
sadly, my vocabulary list is never going anywhere either.
Anyway, to summarise things, Micah, a boy who loves his grandfather, Grandpa Ephraim's story of magical circus Mirandus. Only it wasn't some sort of make-believe story. It's Grandpa Ephraim's precious childhood memory. The two of them lived happily together until everything changed when Ephraim's dying. And Micah and his friend, Jenny went to find the magical circus to ask for the miracle that the Lightbender promised Ephraim when he visited the circus years ago.
Though I really enjoyed the story very much. The way the author writes, is just lovely and u can see the story unfold infront of your eyes.
Well, that's just as much as it is.Time for mah review! (**sparkles**********)
Now, there are a few types of characters in the book that I'd love to point out.
Truly as a child when u tell him of magic, they will believe it. But as they grow older they tend to forget about the stories that had been told and for some, they tend to despise the idea very much due to a rough step they faced when they are growing up.
But for Micah, he was one of the children who believes in magic all the way through and he never doubted the magical story his grandfather always tells him about.
And so was Ephraim(*the grandfather) since he had seen it himself & always wish to see the magic again.
That's not all, he was one of the few people inspired and changed by the magic he'd seen.And it was his dream to do magic and make changes in other children~
There's also people like Great Aunt Gertrudis, who was the younger sister of Ephraim, who grew up believing in magic but because of a mis-step and betrayals during her childhood, magic has become nothing more than a silly lie and she has turned into an unhappy person. She's one of those I had mentioned above.
And let's not forget Victoria! The amazing Amazonian Bird Woman. A woman with magical ability to fly and to attracts birds with her wonderful voice. A woman who performs for the children in the circus,who performs magic for them. Too bad of her ill-natured personality, she thinks that her magic is such a waste, being in the circus. She's that people who thinks realistically, such that "what of that of showing these children some magic? They'll forget about them soon. Or if they do believe, what good can it be to them?"
To sum it up, she's one with magic, who only wants power and doesn't believe that magic can have its effects on anyone.
As for Jenny Mendoza, she's simply a young character who never believes in magic. She relates everything to theories and science.
With all these characters here, the book manage to give me the many perspectives of magic.
Me? though I know such magic don't exist , I'm truly one who believes in magic by the heart.
Though I really enjoyed the story very much. The way the author writes, is just lovely and u can see the story unfold infront of your eyes.
Now, there are a few types of characters in the book that I'd love to point out.
Truly as a child when u tell him of magic, they will believe it. But as they grow older they tend to forget about the stories that had been told and for some, they tend to despise the idea very much due to a rough step they faced when they are growing up.
But for Micah, he was one of the children who believes in magic all the way through and he never doubted the magical story his grandfather always tells him about.
And so was Ephraim(*the grandfather) since he had seen it himself & always wish to see the magic again.
That's not all, he was one of the few people inspired and changed by the magic he'd seen.And it was his dream to do magic and make changes in other children~
There's also people like Great Aunt Gertrudis, who was the younger sister of Ephraim, who grew up believing in magic but because of a mis-step and betrayals during her childhood, magic has become nothing more than a silly lie and she has turned into an unhappy person. She's one of those I had mentioned above.
And let's not forget Victoria! The amazing Amazonian Bird Woman. A woman with magical ability to fly and to attracts birds with her wonderful voice. A woman who performs for the children in the circus,who performs magic for them. Too bad of her ill-natured personality, she thinks that her magic is such a waste, being in the circus. She's that people who thinks realistically, such that "what of that of showing these children some magic? They'll forget about them soon. Or if they do believe, what good can it be to them?"
To sum it up, she's one with magic, who only wants power and doesn't believe that magic can have its effects on anyone.
As for Jenny Mendoza, she's simply a young character who never believes in magic. She relates everything to theories and science.
With all these characters here, the book manage to give me the many perspectives of magic.
Me? though I know such magic don't exist , I'm truly one who believes in magic by the heart.
Which one are you?
Also, there was the Man Who Bends the Light, the Lightbender, in short. He was part of the circus, a person who can do amazing illusions and can somehow "get into your mind into believing it's true"
Now, let's do a general review.
I really love the lightbender's personality. He's mysterious but whenever the story depicts how he perform magic for the children, I couldn't help but feel enlighten as well. As if the character himself had managed to create illusions in my mind as well.
Loving his moments with Micah very much and I'm very happy with the ending for the 2 of them.
I also love the young Ephraim. How he first followed the sound of pipes and drums all the way to the circus, and how he managed to track the circus again when he was much older, due to his faith in magic.
Magic had truly changed him.
But the much older Ephraim is just as lovely. How he took care of Micah and how he dreams of working in a circus. And how he never hate his wife for destroying that dream. And how I can feel he's trying to "shine" even though he's dying. And even with all of that, he still choose to believe in magic.
His endings were lovingly sad. I'm very happy that he died with his 2 most favourite people in the universe and I'm touched by what he wished for his miracle.
Ephraim was also that character who has his own kind of magic. knots.Although at first, I can't imagine knots as magic...I'm impressed how it actually can be seen as magic by the end.
The book seems to tell us, whatever you're good at, and which can make people happy can be seen as "magic".
And as for Victoria who had those thoughts of what good can believing in magic be or soon we all will forget it exist. Though she has a realistic opinion, she was quite wrong. I mean, look at Ephraim, Micah and even the other people who worked hard in maintaining magic in the world, namely circus Mirandus. I mean, gosh she is truly cruel. And i really wondered why I didn't mind the character remained "UNRESOLVED" by the end.
And as for Victoria who had those thoughts of what good can believing in magic be or soon we all will forget it exist. Though she has a realistic opinion, she was quite wrong. I mean, look at Ephraim, Micah and even the other people who worked hard in maintaining magic in the world, namely circus Mirandus. I mean, gosh she is truly cruel. And i really wondered why I didn't mind the character remained "UNRESOLVED" by the end.
Then there's the main character, Micah. throughout the story all he can think is of his grandpa and the miracle he thinks his grandfather has asked for.
Micah seems like a character who kept to himself and calm in every way. But very brave as well.
I love him as much.
*******************************End of Spoilers**********
I really really thank the author for creating such a lovely book.
Fictional it may be, but it's magical.
It had leave a deep impression in my heart.
Of course I, myself had love the idea of magic...but this..had further open my eyes of what kind of "REAL" magic that can truly exist in this world.
And that "REAL" magic is something someone is good at (and loved doing) and can make happiness through them.
As I mentioned, I really do believe that believing in magic is not harmful at all to children.
It gives them happiness, at least.
And at least that magic can really be something "real" and change/inspire them somehow?
It does inspire me. This book and my magical childhood. Have I mentioned that I have a dream to create magic.
I did vaguely mentioned it....but didn't get to reveal what it really is.
HINT OF WHAT IT IS, in this post.
It does inspire me. This book and my magical childhood. Have I mentioned that I have a dream to create magic.
I did vaguely mentioned it....but didn't get to reveal what it really is.
HINT OF WHAT IT IS, in this post.
Can you imagine what that sort of magic is?
Now, what is your definition of magic?
Till next time,
(C) Circus Mirandus does not belong to me. It belongs to amazing Cassie Beasly & other rightful owners.
(C) mumblings and opinions belong to me, otherwise stated.
Loves, they can neither be right or wrong.
Read the amazing books to find out which one.
Sabtu, 5 September 2015
Pixelated twin!
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Creepy bear and unseen bunny out of the box made by Ani |
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Left : Ana(me!!!) Right: Ani |
(C) pixelated gif. belongs to me. PISKEL belongs to rightful owner!
Rabu, 26 Ogos 2015
Sketch post!
Assalamua'alaikun and hello to peeps! Today, I feel the urge to sketch random stuffs! Thats really rare for me, to have random things to draw.
So I stopped by just to post my sketches! ^^ Cheers!!!
Below, you would find "She and her messy crown" which I drew this afternoon. It had been in my drawing list for awhile.
By messy crown is referring to her messy/lazy buns. You know how when you're lazy, you tied your hair in a bun or braids.This piece was inspired when I made the same bun for my sister. Which suits her as she's the "well-known" lazy princess , her signature character who has a crown on her head.(*FLOATING top of her head)
And below, is some sketch dump made on a whiteboard. Me and my bro drew some random can see Finn, Jake, Papermail, Ansatsu characters, the Pine Twins!!! Olaf and Baymax, of course. And the bunnies and mushroom co. and some random unknown characters huhu! :D
So, there, my so-called productive afternoon !! Been awhile since I drew so much. That must've been because it had been awhile since I felt stressed. :D Nevertheless, I enjoyed this very much!!! It helped me feel awhole-lot-better, in fact. Other than some random fanfictions that I had been reading :3. So until next timee, lovelies!
(C) Art belongs to Anapaper
(c)Baymax, olaf, Adventure Time, Pine twins, bunny with sharp teeth, ansatsu kyoshitsu, tako, Eru-tan belongs to rightful owner!
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Close up of the girl. |
Below, you would find "She and her messy crown" which I drew this afternoon. It had been in my drawing list for awhile.
By messy crown is referring to her messy/lazy buns. You know how when you're lazy, you tied your hair in a bun or braids.This piece was inspired when I made the same bun for my sister. Which suits her as she's the "well-known" lazy princess , her signature character who has a crown on her head.(*FLOATING top of her head)
And below, is some sketch dump made on a whiteboard. Me and my bro drew some random can see Finn, Jake, Papermail, Ansatsu characters, the Pine Twins!!! Olaf and Baymax, of course. And the bunnies and mushroom co. and some random unknown characters huhu! :D
So, there, my so-called productive afternoon !! Been awhile since I drew so much. That must've been because it had been awhile since I felt stressed. :D Nevertheless, I enjoyed this very much!!! It helped me feel awhole-lot-better, in fact. Other than some random fanfictions that I had been reading :3. So until next timee, lovelies!
(C) Art belongs to Anapaper
(c)Baymax, olaf, Adventure Time, Pine twins, bunny with sharp teeth, ansatsu kyoshitsu, tako, Eru-tan belongs to rightful owner!
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"She and her messy Crown" by me. |
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Fun , random stuffs drawn by me and my lil bro. Some characters do not belong to us. |
Sabtu, 22 Ogos 2015
Heart-thumping and Pure at the most.
Assalamu'alaikum and hey!!! Making a late night post now, because my heart can't take it!!!
I think it will burst anytime soon now & melt.
Well, all of this because of a manga! "Last Game"
I had read Last Game before up to the recent chapters of that time but I stopped reading it because of a "heartache".
But, I remember how the earliest chapters are so lovely! So I decided to re-read them again. But now, I have to prepare myself with the "heartache" oh lol!
*******Spoilers alert***************************
Ever heard the phrase "those who fall in love first will lose?"
This was one of the early concept used in the GAME referred in the manga, that is other than academic competition.
(**summary found below)
I really like the turn-out of the story where the game is;
Yanagi (hero) tried to make Kujou (heroine) fall in love with him and dumped her later on(***by falling in love, Kujou is the loser) and thus got a satisfactory victory in their longtime GAME. (**Though I must point out Kujou doesn't get why Yanagi kept bugging her of winning/losing) And later on, he realised his feeling towards her .....well, mostly because though he kept on trying to ignored her as he already got everything he needs, (** blah to that one loss) he ended up thinking and chasing her.(**though out of anger at first!)
But I love how both main characters, Kujou(heroine) and Yanagi(hero) maintains their friendship for 10 years and how....Yanagi chased after an unrequited love for kujou for the same period. It was sweet of Yanagi for me(though at first, he had a different attitude towards Kujou when younger) that he was patient and impatient at the same time...and pitifully cute!! I meant, his efforts were...fruitless.
Afterall, Kujou is an emotionless, ignorant girl (*bad at communicating) who loves her mother (only) the most and only when she entered college that she realized about her friendship with Yanagi.
Yanagi, on the other hand , is pathetic,charismatic , popular and well, perfect except for his luck in love(*with Kujou) but I definitely want to meet a guy like this!! 10 years!!!! c'mon man! I gave up easily-without-even-trying for only 2 years(*the longest i experienced, sadly)
***********End of spoilers***************************
A quick summary:
Yanagi was the perfect person ever, with such a rich family, athletic and top in class(**and arrogant)....until Kujou came and stripped him of being top in class. Ever since, Yanagi has never be able to beat the dull girl, Kujou...but still strive to do so that is, he even chased her up to college.
So, the name Last game here-being the last game declared by Yanagi to Kujou and see who will be victor. Now, what would that game be? :D
Do find out and have your hearts thump and laugh to this comedy-filled romance manga by Amano Shinobu. Though it has yet reach an ending anyway.
I do anticipate it to have its own anime or drama, because it is a very lovely, sweet story that is up to everyone's taste.(*just say yes!!!)
Its true to say this, because the love is pure and'llknow FEEL it when you read it.
That being's recommended manga would be:
Last Game by Amano Shinobu
I love Winnie The Pooh, I love Christopher Robin and I love children's storybook.
Perhaps, next time, this will be the main course ;)
Ana and Papermail.
I think it will burst anytime soon now & melt.
Well, all of this because of a manga! "Last Game"
I had read Last Game before up to the recent chapters of that time but I stopped reading it because of a "heartache".
But, I remember how the earliest chapters are so lovely! So I decided to re-read them again. But now, I have to prepare myself with the "heartache" oh lol!
*******Spoilers alert***************************
Ever heard the phrase "those who fall in love first will lose?"
This was one of the early concept used in the GAME referred in the manga, that is other than academic competition.
(**summary found below)
I really like the turn-out of the story where the game is;
Yanagi (hero) tried to make Kujou (heroine) fall in love with him and dumped her later on(***by falling in love, Kujou is the loser) and thus got a satisfactory victory in their longtime GAME. (**Though I must point out Kujou doesn't get why Yanagi kept bugging her of winning/losing) And later on, he realised his feeling towards her .....well, mostly because though he kept on trying to ignored her as he already got everything he needs, (** blah to that one loss) he ended up thinking and chasing her.(**though out of anger at first!)
But I love how both main characters, Kujou(heroine) and Yanagi(hero) maintains their friendship for 10 years and how....Yanagi chased after an unrequited love for kujou for the same period. It was sweet of Yanagi for me(though at first, he had a different attitude towards Kujou when younger) that he was patient and impatient at the same time...and pitifully cute!! I meant, his efforts were...fruitless.
Afterall, Kujou is an emotionless, ignorant girl (*bad at communicating) who loves her mother (only) the most and only when she entered college that she realized about her friendship with Yanagi.
Yanagi, on the other hand , is pathetic,charismatic , popular and well, perfect except for his luck in love(*with Kujou) but I definitely want to meet a guy like this!! 10 years!!!! c'mon man! I gave up easily-without-even-trying for only 2 years(*the longest i experienced, sadly)
***********End of spoilers***************************
A quick summary:
Yanagi was the perfect person ever, with such a rich family, athletic and top in class(**and arrogant)....until Kujou came and stripped him of being top in class. Ever since, Yanagi has never be able to beat the dull girl, Kujou...but still strive to do so that is, he even chased her up to college.
So, the name Last game here-being the last game declared by Yanagi to Kujou and see who will be victor. Now, what would that game be? :D
Do find out and have your hearts thump and laugh to this comedy-filled romance manga by Amano Shinobu. Though it has yet reach an ending anyway.
I do anticipate it to have its own anime or drama, because it is a very lovely, sweet story that is up to everyone's taste.(*just say yes!!!)
Its true to say this, because the love is pure and'll
That being's recommended manga would be:
Last Game by Amano Shinobu
Magi no Okurimono by Yoshizuki Komichi-another heartwarming an BEAUTIFUL story about letting go of the "BELOVED" ones, those who passed away. You really can feel the emotions which is conveyed in this manga. The art, spectacular!!! It's also about stars so.......I can't help it!!!
REad, Read, read!!!!!!
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Last Game (*Scans belong to rightful owner)(c)Amano Shinobu and rightful owners. |
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Magi no okurimono by Yoshizuki Komichi. (*Scans belong to rightful owners)(c) Yoshizuki Komichi and rightful owners. |
So, anyway, there are more mangas in my reading list and books as well. I really need to buy books T.T.
A few songs to enjoy this with!!!
Tokyo sunrise by LP - was introduced to this song by my fav. band Paradise Fears (their facebook account). LOVE IT as much as they do!!
Never Ending Circle by CHVRCHES- Love the vocalist voice so much !!!!
And to end the wonderful mumblings, I'll add a quote at the top of them all.
Don't promise me though, just remember because I believe so as well."Promise me you'll always remember : You are Braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think"-Christopher Robin, Winnie The Pooh.
I love Winnie The Pooh, I love Christopher Robin and I love children's storybook.
Perhaps, next time, this will be the main course ;)
Ana and Papermail.
Take note, stories/plots of mangas /images / songs do not belong to me.
Reviews and mumblings belong to Ana, me :P.
I don't take credits in the amazing stuffs mentioned above!
Jumaat, 14 Ogos 2015
Salam to all and Hya!!! :D
How's it been? I hope everything is wonderlandiful wonderful!
So, Alhamdulillah, I finished the 2 months Work experience attachment !!! It had been fun, and amazing experiences.
Really miss the people that I met there, hope to see them again, someday!!
SO! I settled most of my sleeping debts so far ,*ehem **ehem , actually, I might overpaid them.
I'm still sleepy quite satisfy with it. And last time, I had this gathering with undivid8d stars!!!
Achievement unlocked.
It had been a dream of mine to eat at steamboat restaurant !! >.< And I'm glad it had been really fun! We had gifts-exchange! And I got chocolates, yum!!! From Amni, that is. ;)
And then, we have this raya open house at our place. I baked RED VELVET cupcakes.
unbelievable right?
I was never fond of red velvet stuffs until I taste cupcake someone gave me during my working attachment.
I wished i take two.
It was so goooooooodddd!!! It was PERFECT!!!!! So moist and everything nice!
And there was also this strawberry cheesecake that I've been given as well, that was paradise!
PERFECTO!!!!! A score of 100% for a cheesecake!
Now, I say this because...I don't really like strawberry or cheesecake either.
Oh! so then,because of this extreme cravings, I found this recipe which looks good to try...and for the first time in forever, I actually bought some cream cheese! CHEERS!!
(**I was actually indecisive between making cheese cake or red velvet, but decided to go for the latter due to the presence of lemon(which is rare,I tell you) in our fridge)
Let's skip the baking part.....which was fun! And lets go to the tasting. The cake dried out T.T and has this papercup taste or smthg. It was suppose to be buttery!!!
But then, add the magic!!! The magical, yummy cream cheese....and it turned out fine, OVERALL.
I really like how the cream cheese turned out . Just yummily right .
Anyway, back to the raya day, we had a fun time with lotsa photoshoot session with my darlings!
Thanks for comin' over, loves!
So, that would be the quick updates for the last few weeks!! Enjoy the days to come, peeps!!
So, that would be the quick updates for the last few weeks!! Enjoy the days to come, peeps!!
Recommended songs:
King by Lauren Aquilina - soothing and go get the message yea? She has a truly lovely voice!
Check her other songs i.e Fools and sinners as well!! Thumb up!!!
Fight song by Rachel Platten - Another motivational song. Let this be your fight song which will help you move forward. :D
Rabu, 22 Julai 2015
It's what it is.
Assalamu'alaikum! and hi to everyone! I hope all is well and well to all~ :3
It's the last 2 week of July now and I'm nearing the ends of my working attachment days! I'm looking forward to paying my sleeping debts! YESSSSS!!!!!
And it's also Syawal! Happy Eid Fitr to all the muslims over the world, may this year Eid be filled with joyous and wonderful times with your loved ones. And not to forget, Alhamdulillah, we've gone through the holy month of Ramadhan with success and InsyaAllah, we'll meet again with it in the years to come. ^^
This year, Raya felt different to me. And I agreed to my myself, that it was because I wasn't home to help preparing for the festive days. I did helped cleaning but it wasn't that much anyway. And most importantly anyway, me and my sis weren't there during the shopping spree!!!
I'm not of a shopaholic actually, unless it's a hunt for candies and chocolates!!! Oooh! and baking stuffs as well! I mean, supermarket is mah playground, man! It's where I run freely!!
So, yeah...that's why it had been different.
I felt all kinds of emotions when I returned home that afternoon from Belait. There's emptiness-due to those above, there's happiness-due to the raya mood and atmosphere in the house, there's stress-due to the lots of clothes to wash & iron and also drowsiness-hmph! Not an emotion but we all know why.
And just when we returned, I immediately baked some cookies...which had failed anyway. Really!! The cookies had this disgusting-cracky surface! It never happened before T.T ....why now!!!!!
lol! But it still taste good- umm, edible-nevertheless.
And it's still serve-able!
So came the first day of raya...and I ate a lot. And the second day, I ate a lot too! I couldn't help it....though I wish I could. There's a huge price for eating THAT much anyway. REGRETFULLY.
But, that's not all that I did on the raya that I spent! Me and my sister spent the 2nd day of raya in the kitchen, making some sushi and riceballs ! Yea... O.o It was tough job which was worth it because many people actually ate them. UNEXPECTEDLY! Maybe because they were adorables >.<
It's true though, we made the riceballs with faces and some are even shaped like animals esp. cats >.<
Too bad I didn't take any photos of it T.T so yea...but I still had a very fond memories of it. You guys can just imagine however you want :P
^ ^
That would be all, I guess. Just a brief details on what had happened all this case you're wondering, that is! So, until the next post!!! Ciao!!!
It's the last 2 week of July now and I'm nearing the ends of my working attachment days! I'm looking forward to paying my sleeping debts! YESSSSS!!!!!
And it's also Syawal! Happy Eid Fitr to all the muslims over the world, may this year Eid be filled with joyous and wonderful times with your loved ones. And not to forget, Alhamdulillah, we've gone through the holy month of Ramadhan with success and InsyaAllah, we'll meet again with it in the years to come. ^^
This year, Raya felt different to me. And I agreed to my myself, that it was because I wasn't home to help preparing for the festive days. I did helped cleaning but it wasn't that much anyway. And most importantly anyway, me and my sis weren't there during the shopping spree!!!
I'm not of a shopaholic actually, unless it's a hunt for candies and chocolates!!! Oooh! and baking stuffs as well! I mean, supermarket is mah playground, man! It's where I run freely!!
So, yeah...that's why it had been different.
I felt all kinds of emotions when I returned home that afternoon from Belait. There's emptiness-due to those above, there's happiness-due to the raya mood and atmosphere in the house, there's stress-due to the lots of clothes to wash & iron and also drowsiness-hmph! Not an emotion but we all know why.
And just when we returned, I immediately baked some cookies...which had failed anyway. Really!! The cookies had this disgusting-cracky surface! It never happened before T.T ....why now!!!!!
lol! But it still taste good- umm, edible-nevertheless.
And it's still serve-able!
So came the first day of raya...and I ate a lot. And the second day, I ate a lot too! I couldn't help it....though I wish I could. There's a huge price for eating THAT much anyway. REGRETFULLY.
But, that's not all that I did on the raya that I spent! Me and my sister spent the 2nd day of raya in the kitchen, making some sushi and riceballs ! Yea... O.o It was tough job which was worth it because many people actually ate them. UNEXPECTEDLY! Maybe because they were adorables >.<
It's true though, we made the riceballs with faces and some are even shaped like animals esp. cats >.<
Too bad I didn't take any photos of it T.T so yea...but I still had a very fond memories of it. You guys can just imagine however you want :P
^ ^
That would be all, I guess. Just a brief details on what had happened all this case you're wondering, that is! So, until the next post!!! Ciao!!!
Sabtu, 27 Jun 2015
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Salam Ramadhan. May we have a blissful month filled with good deeds. |
Now, we have come a very special month for all muslims, which is the month of Ramadhan where we fast from dawn to dusk. ^^ So, Salam Ramadhan Kareem to everyone. May every of our good deeds be accepted by Allah.
So, right now, I'm having my 2 months working attachment with a company in Brunei before I'm starting my degree in August insyaAllah~ :D I'm currently living with my sister , and 2 of my friends, one from my former school and one from PTEM. We spent 4 weeks together now, and I really enjoyed my time with these lovely times!
Anyway! I'm bringing a lovely news for myself! I successfully downloaded Hey! Say! JUMP's new album JUMPing Car!!! I listened half of the tracks and I love them so much!!!! >.<
So energetic!!! Yeaaa!! I have to get this album in my hand!!! >.<!!!! Although I am still obsessed with their single Chau#/Wo I need you, namely those two songs! I mean, Chau# was love at first listen!!!!
Secondly, I'm reading a manga, forgot what's its called. But its about a surgeon mainly pediatrics, those who handle children. It is a very inspiring manga about the medical courses !! I just reached volume 2 of the series, but I enjoyed it very much and learned bio all over again from it!!! ^^
and!! And....I made donuts last timeee! Yay!! But, it tastes like fried flour T.T sob sob!!!
Doesn't matter, I got fatter during the attachment period...ugh its hard to not give in to the temptations. >.<
Forget about tht, I felt uncomfortable touching the topic about my weight hohoho!!! Anyway, I hope to bring you some more good news. And while waiting, lets enjoy and live our life to the fullest :D Smile more! :I
Let's laugh more (*they tend to burn calories huhu) by watching thisssss
YLVIS' elevator prank.
Jumaat, 29 Mei 2015
Salam and hello to everyone~ Hope you guys are doing well! :) Imma dropping by just for awhile to drop some pixels or rather gif.
Here is can't see (it/her?)(i don't know yet >.<) cause (it/she) has a white color as well....
Down there, we have my character, Niwa~ YAY~~Imma gonna make her eyes anime-like soon!!!! >.< Yea, I made them My first ever pixel arts!!!! I'm going to try out more so do look forward to my progress!!! :D (C) AnaPaper
You can try them out HERE!!! at Piskel~~~
Here is can't see (it/her?)(i don't know yet >.<) cause (it/she) has a white color as well....
Down there, we have my character, Niwa~ YAY~~Imma gonna make her eyes anime-like soon!!!! >.< Yea, I made them My first ever pixel arts!!!! I'm going to try out more so do look forward to my progress!!! :D (C) AnaPaper
You can try them out HERE!!! at Piskel~~~
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Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015
Oh, through the donut's hole!
Salam and hello to everyone!!! :)
I'm back today at 23rd of May for some um...yummy mumblings haha! So,'s idea started with..a hint of hunger and...well, cravings for jellies.
I, myself is not a BIG fan of jellies...or puddings...unless they're closely related to caramel or custard. YUM!! And panna cotta is alright too:) But I don't mind Jellies at all.
But one particular day, (namely today and a bit of yesterday~) I've been thinking about the extra...lots of extras Gelatin Powder (Halal ones, of course ;D ) which is sitting in the corner of our kitchen cupboard alongside with the bottles and containers of food colorings, vanilla extract, chocolate chip and um..maybe an expired cocoa powder...( but which...I don't pay attention to anyway...I'm-talking-about-the-gelatine-anyway.) and wondered what I should make out of it!
Been thinking about it since last night and at one point , an episode of "Phineas and Ferb" came into my know...the Gelatin-monster episode.( Hurrah! not my favourite episode at all,lol)
But at the end of episode there's Jeremy, yea...him...and he brought over some gelatin for Candace's gelatine party...and..the gelatin jelly looks yummy....
I'm sorry, I know..this seems...unrelated..yea....
Anyway, so..this morning I've been anticipating to search for some yummy home-made jellies recipe! :D And trust me, the only reason I'm here right now...blogging is because..I found none! otherwise, I'll be making some jellies in the kitchen :/
Its not like the GOOGLE search engine didn't show any results for when I typed Jelly Recipe
or Jelly with Gelatin powder or Vanilla custard jelly/pudding. In fact... it has quite a lot to show for , but none...that I could use at all! haha gosh!
But that doesn't stop me. I started to go around another direction, this time I searched for custard pudding and on and on I went -(**the custard recipes...were quite simple. My sis and I had tried them before...but I was too lazy to make matter how tempting they are!!)- till I reached a certain doughnut recipe.
And then there's jelly doughnut and sausage doughnut....and..forget jellies! I want some warm doughnut right now! The iced(with icing sugar) and the glazed ones would be good for tea! If only I have the time to make them...and know how to use YEAST
Yea, so my day of being hungry end up with...still being hungry. (」゜ãƒ゜)」))))))))
No, don't worry..I'm not starving (O.O) This "hungry" falls into the category of...appetite..And Dinner's brewing yea
I apologize if I sound too desperate! but I'm not really...I'm not a picky eater and I won't go hungry on purpose just because I don't like the particular food either . And, family and I get enough food to eat everyday as well. And I know there are other people who needed food no matter what that food is...and thus, this post in not based on GREED.
JUST the mumblings of a girl with an appetite for some donuts or...jellies. That's all :P
So a song just for the day!! :)
I'm back today at 23rd of May for some more....
I, myself is not a BIG fan of jellies...or puddings...unless they're closely related to caramel or custard. YUM!! And panna cotta is alright too:) But I don't mind Jellies at all.
But one particular day, (namely today and a bit of yesterday~) I've been thinking about the extra...lots of extras Gelatin Powder (Halal ones, of course ;D ) which is sitting in the corner of our kitchen cupboard alongside with the bottles and containers of food colorings, vanilla extract, chocolate chip and um..maybe an expired cocoa powder...( but which...I don't pay attention to anyway...I'm-talking-about-the-gelatine-anyway.) and wondered what I should make out of it!
Been thinking about it since last night and at one point , an episode of "Phineas and Ferb" came into my know...the Gelatin-monster episode.( Hurrah! not my favourite episode at all,lol)
But at the end of episode there's Jeremy, yea...him...and he brought over some gelatin for Candace's gelatine party...and..the gelatin jelly looks yummy....
I'm sorry, I know..this seems...unrelated..yea....
Anyway, so..this morning I've been anticipating to search for some yummy home-made jellies recipe! :D And trust me, the only reason I'm here right now...blogging is because..I found none! otherwise, I'll be making some jellies in the kitchen :/
Its not like the GOOGLE search engine didn't show any results for when I typed Jelly Recipe
or Jelly with Gelatin powder or Vanilla custard jelly/pudding. In fact... it has quite a lot to show for , but none...that I could use at all! haha gosh!
But that doesn't stop me. I started to go around another direction, this time I searched for custard pudding and on and on I went -(**the custard recipes...were quite simple. My sis and I had tried them before...but I was too lazy to make matter how tempting they are!!)- till I reached a certain doughnut recipe.
And then there's jelly doughnut and sausage doughnut....and..forget jellies! I want some warm doughnut right now! The iced(with icing sugar) and the glazed ones would be good for tea! If only I have the time to make them...and know how to use YEAST
Yea, so my day of being hungry end up with...still being hungry. (」゜ãƒ゜)」))))))))
No, don't worry..I'm not starving (O.O) This "hungry" falls into the category of...appetite..And Dinner's brewing yea
I apologize if I sound too desperate! but I'm not really...I'm not a picky eater and I won't go hungry on purpose just because I don't like the particular food either . And, family and I get enough food to eat everyday as well. And I know there are other people who needed food no matter what that food is...and thus, this post in not based on GREED.
JUST the mumblings of a girl with an appetite for some donuts or...jellies. That's all :P
So a song just for the day!! :)
Been awhile since i shared my Lovely Koharu-chan's songs.
Although, it is not a recent song, I still love this song from the anime series "KIRARIN REVOLUTION". I totally agree, Koha looks adorbs dancing and singing to a food song lol! A happy and yummy songs about a father's homemade pancake! ^^ I must warn might not "like" it. Her voice I meant. But, me...I love her!!! lol. just hear it kay.
A song from a game..I haven't have a chance to play yet! Truly beautiful..though I've heard
a different version..I guess. I heard that the game has a sad ending..its called
"TO THE MOON". Do check them out ;D
And here's a book suggestion: 100 CUPBOARDS BY N.D. WILSON. :3
It is the first book of the series! And I just love it! Reading the 2nd one now. Do grab the book at the nearest bookstore haha! I'll share bout the book soon, yea?
Selasa, 28 April 2015
A recipe to MY sunny day!
Salam and hello~~~ >.< I've been extremely happy since last night. My very own sunny,bright night. Of i mentioned above, the happiness still linger around my heart.
So I decided to make my own recipe for a sunny day! The ultimate ingredient would be, switching on my own fan-girl mode.
When I re-watch Hey!Say!JUMP's new single pv (short ver.) on the song called Chau#.
The song's very adorable! It just brightens up my life XD. The much more adorable! A colorful theme, once again. And Daiki and Chinen are these two cute penguins in the video.(not literally)
Jumping and dancing around!!! Oh, how I wish my hand could reach them and pinch their cheeks or something!!!
And I went on fan-girling when I watched their "LIVE WITH ME" concert, from some time ago. As I sang along to every songs, I realized....THESE GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!
My heart could just burst any seconds now!! I can't wait till the single's release date :3.
And also when the movie "ANSATSU action" has its subbed version!
That was the very first ingredient for my sunny day :D. The second would be a heartful scoop of "PENGUIN BROTHERS" by Ayumi Shiina.
**PS: Ana's universal scale states that; "A heartful scoop would be equivalent to an infinity amount of it." ****
I decided to read some SHOUJO mangas, last time. And This very particular manga managed to catch my attention for the very 1st time! I've seen the manga around the online sites before, but never once did it ever intrigue me to read it.
So I'm thankful I've pick it up along the way..that time. The plot, the plot was of a school revolution. It was very similar to Pika Ichi and Fly High!
A story which revolves around a girl/boy who wish to change the system of the school.
Well, mostly cause the system was a kind of a discrimination and those who defy the people incharge would end up being bully.
I won't mention the whole story of Penguin Brothers though.But I really enjoyed the journey of Hina, the heroine of the story, in changing the which is divided with 3 colors.Team White, Team Black,Team Gray.
Of course, my main interest lies in Hina herself....also nicknamed PIYOKO(baby chick) in which she, teamed up with Koshiba, the school's genius to challenge the 2 leaders of the 2 teams , namely...Black and White team in changing the student's mindset. The story of enemy---> friends. It even involves some family psychological issues and a reminder to all, that not everyone would be able to change by just words.
Other than that, I really like Koshiba himself.Always supporting Hina in every step of the way >.< He's a very fun, funny and A happy-go-lucky character. He's the one who gave Hina the name "piyoko." Oh yes, I'm so shipping those two!!!! The Sunny Combination!!!!
Too bad, there aren't any ending to Hina's romantic partner. But I and everyone else is free to think just about anything. And I'd say, Koshiba, the best partner ever (to Hina) would make Hina the happiest girl, till whenever!!!!! >.<
If ever, there's a plan in making a live-action based on the series, I would Daiki Arioka as Koshibaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Daiki, with his sunny-sunshine-personality and cute-cute-chubby-penguin-looks......I can't ever think anyone else suited to be Koshiba. I'm just sayin'.***shrugs ** :p
Oh be sure to have a glimpse of this awesome manga. ;)
Above, is a lazy sketch of mine....on the "not-so-quite" Hina and Koshiba. My sunny couple.
So, in conclusion...a sunny day would only consist of adorable penguins and a happy-go-lucky mind and....of course...all the stuffs which would make you truly happy.
Stay happy readers, keep your calm and always, always..remember to love today as well.
****Mumblings and Opinions belong to Ana. Everyone is free to think....differently****
So I decided to make my own recipe for a sunny day! The ultimate ingredient would be, switching on my own fan-girl mode.
When I re-watch Hey!Say!JUMP's new single pv (short ver.) on the song called Chau#.
The song's very adorable! It just brightens up my life XD. The much more adorable! A colorful theme, once again. And Daiki and Chinen are these two cute penguins in the video.(not literally)
Jumping and dancing around!!! Oh, how I wish my hand could reach them and pinch their cheeks or something!!!
And I went on fan-girling when I watched their "LIVE WITH ME" concert, from some time ago. As I sang along to every songs, I realized....THESE GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!
My heart could just burst any seconds now!! I can't wait till the single's release date :3.
And also when the movie "ANSATSU action" has its subbed version!
That was the very first ingredient for my sunny day :D. The second would be a heartful scoop of "PENGUIN BROTHERS" by Ayumi Shiina.
**PS: Ana's universal scale states that; "A heartful scoop would be equivalent to an infinity amount of it." ****
I decided to read some SHOUJO mangas, last time. And This very particular manga managed to catch my attention for the very 1st time! I've seen the manga around the online sites before, but never once did it ever intrigue me to read it.
So I'm thankful I've pick it up along the way..that time. The plot, the plot was of a school revolution. It was very similar to Pika Ichi and Fly High!
A story which revolves around a girl/boy who wish to change the system of the school.
Well, mostly cause the system was a kind of a discrimination and those who defy the people incharge would end up being bully.
I won't mention the whole story of Penguin Brothers though.But I really enjoyed the journey of Hina, the heroine of the story, in changing the which is divided with 3 colors.Team White, Team Black,Team Gray.
Of course, my main interest lies in Hina herself....also nicknamed PIYOKO(baby chick) in which she, teamed up with Koshiba, the school's genius to challenge the 2 leaders of the 2 teams , namely...Black and White team in changing the student's mindset. The story of enemy---> friends. It even involves some family psychological issues and a reminder to all, that not everyone would be able to change by just words.
Other than that, I really like Koshiba himself.Always supporting Hina in every step of the way >.< He's a very fun, funny and A happy-go-lucky character. He's the one who gave Hina the name "piyoko." Oh yes, I'm so shipping those two!!!! The Sunny Combination!!!!
Too bad, there aren't any ending to Hina's romantic partner. But I and everyone else is free to think just about anything. And I'd say, Koshiba, the best partner ever (to Hina) would make Hina the happiest girl, till whenever!!!!! >.<
If ever, there's a plan in making a live-action based on the series, I would Daiki Arioka as Koshibaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Daiki, with his sunny-sunshine-personality and cute-cute-chubby-penguin-looks......I can't ever think anyone else suited to be Koshiba. I'm just sayin'.***shrugs ** :p
Oh be sure to have a glimpse of this awesome manga. ;)
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Characters belong to Ayumi Shiina. Drawn by Anapaper. |
So, in conclusion...a sunny day would only consist of adorable penguins and a happy-go-lucky mind and....of course...all the stuffs which would make you truly happy.
Stay happy readers, keep your calm and always, always..remember to love today as well.
****Mumblings and Opinions belong to Ana. Everyone is free to think....differently****
Isnin, 20 April 2015
Stop By, all for the sake of an ice cream.
Salam, and Hello!!!!
First of all, its 9.35 pm here. ^^ After a quite busy week, I stopped "RUNNING from my problems" for awhile. Instead, I have "freeze" all that thoughts for awhile. How's that, you asked?
Simple, Have some.....ICE-Cream!!!!! (*echoes in my mind: lame, LAMEEEEEEEEEE)
Well, who doesn't love to eat something cold sometimes? And especially that with a vanilla flavor!!
Since me and my twin sister frequently get sick when we were was one of the lovely treats we aren't allow to eat. But as we grow out from that condition, sneaking some, sometime won't hurt right?
Of course.....I should've known, 9pm is not the perfect time to have a yummy vanilla cone icecream.
Not when I ate some already in the afternoon. That's not the point though....I know. Ice-cream at night?! I'll be expecting Mr. Flu in no time !!! :)
But I couldn't resist , no. How could this damsel ever resist, when that's the last cone!!!
It's when i started eating them, and when my sister looked at me with crazy-eyes...that I realized....owh...NO!!!!! (*slaps my forehead)
"I shan't have!!"
But of course, I end up eating everything lol! It's just so irresistible!!! (*Cries)
Papermail, my imaginary partner, would've agree with me anyway~
Anyway, I live by the motto....
Of course, the quote above, simply means....We just have to keep on going as long as there's something we love. Or...maybe it just literally means some soft, fluffy marshies. YUM!!!
Oh!!! yes, i wanted to share to all, of a wonderful person I know from the Deviantart community!!!
I asked for a drawing request of my characters, Niwa Akaiiro and Papermail. And it turned out very very lovely!!!!!! >.< His drawing style is so adorable and I love how he amazingly combined all the colors. And he's a traditional artist btw, which means, he color them with color pencils. And I must say, its a talent to be able to color smoothly using a pencil and to be able to make the details so vivid at the same time!!! I don't know bout any other people's taste, have a look, what he made me!!!! >.< I'm truly happy. Thank you
click below to have a peek :) and have a go and check his galleries of endless wonderful stuffs!!!
The requested Drawing !
For now, that would be it!!! :) Till I have another ice-cream then!
First of all, its 9.35 pm here. ^^ After a quite busy week, I stopped "RUNNING from my problems" for awhile. Instead, I have "freeze" all that thoughts for awhile. How's that, you asked?
Simple, Have some.....ICE-Cream!!!!! (*echoes in my mind: lame, LAMEEEEEEEEEE)
Well, who doesn't love to eat something cold sometimes? And especially that with a vanilla flavor!!
Since me and my twin sister frequently get sick when we were was one of the lovely treats we aren't allow to eat. But as we grow out from that condition, sneaking some, sometime won't hurt right?
Of course.....I should've known, 9pm is not the perfect time to have a yummy vanilla cone icecream.
Not when I ate some already in the afternoon. That's not the point though....I know. Ice-cream at night?! I'll be expecting Mr. Flu in no time !!! :)
But I couldn't resist , no. How could this damsel ever resist, when that's the last cone!!!
It's when i started eating them, and when my sister looked at me with crazy-eyes...that I realized....owh...NO!!!!! (*slaps my forehead)
"I shan't have!!"
But of course, I end up eating everything lol! It's just so irresistible!!! (*Cries)
Papermail, my imaginary partner, would've agree with me anyway~
Anyway, I live by the motto....
"We have to keep trying till' we run out of marshmallows"I'm still healthy now, much better than before, Alhamdulillah, and I don't want to ever spoil it again.....but A CONE OF ICE-CREAM is not too bad to be a midnight snack either ;-)
Of course, the quote above, simply means....We just have to keep on going as long as there's something we love. Or...maybe it just literally means some soft, fluffy marshies. YUM!!!
Oh!!! yes, i wanted to share to all, of a wonderful person I know from the Deviantart community!!!
I asked for a drawing request of my characters, Niwa Akaiiro and Papermail. And it turned out very very lovely!!!!!! >.< His drawing style is so adorable and I love how he amazingly combined all the colors. And he's a traditional artist btw, which means, he color them with color pencils. And I must say, its a talent to be able to color smoothly using a pencil and to be able to make the details so vivid at the same time!!! I don't know bout any other people's taste, have a look, what he made me!!!! >.< I'm truly happy. Thank you
click below to have a peek :) and have a go and check his galleries of endless wonderful stuffs!!!
The requested Drawing !
For now, that would be it!!! :) Till I have another ice-cream then!
Ahad, 19 April 2015
For the love of magic and music. And BLUE!!!
Salam, and greetings to all that come by. Thanks a lot btw ^^ for passing through here. Make yourself at home (v.v)
It's been several years since I started to blog.... Parts of my thoughts will find their ways here ever since. And I wish it will continue to do so.
Let's make a short movie review, on Cinderella (2015) and The Book Of Life.
Cinderella.... For this movie....I'll keep on saying that one word..which fully described the whole movie. Magical!!!!! Omg! It was beautiful.
We all know how the story goes, but when you actually watch this one, it's like the story came to live once if, it was your first time.
I personally love how Cinderella first met the prince, oh, the hilarious prince! And how they reunite at the ball-dance later on.
I'm in love with the dress.....deeply in love with it. Ever since I saw the trailer, I love the blue dress a lot. With its N (numbers) of layers of blue and sparkles and glitters here, it was that one of the things which made the movie so fairy-tale like. And the glass slippers!!! Is made of glass !!!(T.T)
The next one would be " The book of Life". At first, I have no intention of watching it in the cinema. But as several days went by and people think it's awesome, so I gave it a try ^^
And when I started watching it, I felt amazingly happy and entertained.
It wasn't just the storyline which is nice, it was the animation design as well. I felt really happy as I first watched it due to the design. The storyline was even amazing. Definitely recommended. It's a bit musical btw ^^ which adds up to the good points.
It's been several years since I started to blog.... Parts of my thoughts will find their ways here ever since. And I wish it will continue to do so.
Let's make a short movie review, on Cinderella (2015) and The Book Of Life.
Cinderella.... For this movie....I'll keep on saying that one word..which fully described the whole movie. Magical!!!!! Omg! It was beautiful.
We all know how the story goes, but when you actually watch this one, it's like the story came to live once if, it was your first time.
I personally love how Cinderella first met the prince, oh, the hilarious prince! And how they reunite at the ball-dance later on.
I'm in love with the dress.....deeply in love with it. Ever since I saw the trailer, I love the blue dress a lot. With its N (numbers) of layers of blue and sparkles and glitters here, it was that one of the things which made the movie so fairy-tale like. And the glass slippers!!! Is made of glass !!!(T.T)
The next one would be " The book of Life". At first, I have no intention of watching it in the cinema. But as several days went by and people think it's awesome, so I gave it a try ^^
And when I started watching it, I felt amazingly happy and entertained.
It wasn't just the storyline which is nice, it was the animation design as well. I felt really happy as I first watched it due to the design. The storyline was even amazing. Definitely recommended. It's a bit musical btw ^^ which adds up to the good points.
Rabu, 15 April 2015
All the bright places, all mine and all yours.
After all the busy weeks and days, I finally finished " ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES" By Jennifer Niven :) with a smile and a bit of tears.
First of all, it was really worth it. I never read anything like it..with such genres. Most probably on life and psychological issues,
And the ending really caught me off guard.
Anyway, I would recommend once again to those who love to read and of course to anyone at all... There's this website which is created in the the female protagonist which I found out exist here in real life as well. As in the web magazine is created based on the one in the book. Which I really think is very awesome ^^
Go visit And take your time to wander around ;)
Back to the story and I must warn , tht it will contain spoilers.
****************************************************spoilers alert******************
Theodore Finch, ah how I miss tht guy now. Really love his character, how unique he is. Loveable or hate able, that thoughts spin around my head as I read. He's random and I might seem him as fragile at most times. But the most lovely thing about him is that, he can see the beauty in what others might have overlook, even the tiny details.
Quoting Finch;
The most unfortunate thing is that, I failed to understand his "condition". I won't say any more than this though.
To sum it all, I enjoyed Finch's point of views....and how he sees his life till the end...of the story.
Violet Markey, the female at first very fragile, of course as a girl who lost her dearest sister. And her story goes on how she actually finally face the truth And stop blaming herself. She was told to stop counting the days, but to just live through them.
Valuable thing ever. We should cherish each moment and every seconds.
I love how the chemistry sparks between her and Finch. And how Finch calls him Ultraviolet Remarkey-able.
Her characters developed very well and she is one tough girl.
******************************************************end of alerts****************
Other than that, I learnt a lot from the story. It was a very nice package ! Anyway, do grab it from the nearest store now, heheh.
Otherwise, we all have to wait for the upcoming movie based on it! Yes! Am so anticipating it! Elle Fanning might be the one playing the role of Violet. And I think....that's perfect!
That's all for today~ may you have many more wonderful days to come.
Everything, the story plot and the story itself belongs to , Jennifer Niven, and rightful owners.
Other "mumblings" belong to me ^^
Time for some songs !!
CITY OF ANGELS By Thirty seconds to Mars.
A wonderful song about home and the place where your dreams came true. Most probably , the song does refer to Los Angeles :) enjoy~ till next timeeeee
First of all, it was really worth it. I never read anything like it..with such genres. Most probably on life and psychological issues,
And the ending really caught me off guard.
Anyway, I would recommend once again to those who love to read and of course to anyone at all... There's this website which is created in the the female protagonist which I found out exist here in real life as well. As in the web magazine is created based on the one in the book. Which I really think is very awesome ^^
Go visit And take your time to wander around ;)
Back to the story and I must warn , tht it will contain spoilers.
****************************************************spoilers alert******************
Theodore Finch, ah how I miss tht guy now. Really love his character, how unique he is. Loveable or hate able, that thoughts spin around my head as I read. He's random and I might seem him as fragile at most times. But the most lovely thing about him is that, he can see the beauty in what others might have overlook, even the tiny details.
Quoting Finch;
"....believe it or not, it's actually beautiful to some people."its perfectly true. To me at least.
The most unfortunate thing is that, I failed to understand his "condition". I won't say any more than this though.
To sum it all, I enjoyed Finch's point of views....and how he sees his life till the end...of the story.
Violet Markey, the female at first very fragile, of course as a girl who lost her dearest sister. And her story goes on how she actually finally face the truth And stop blaming herself. She was told to stop counting the days, but to just live through them.
Valuable thing ever. We should cherish each moment and every seconds.
I love how the chemistry sparks between her and Finch. And how Finch calls him Ultraviolet Remarkey-able.
Her characters developed very well and she is one tough girl.
******************************************************end of alerts****************
Other than that, I learnt a lot from the story. It was a very nice package ! Anyway, do grab it from the nearest store now, heheh.
Otherwise, we all have to wait for the upcoming movie based on it! Yes! Am so anticipating it! Elle Fanning might be the one playing the role of Violet. And I think....that's perfect!
That's all for today~ may you have many more wonderful days to come.
Everything, the story plot and the story itself belongs to , Jennifer Niven, and rightful owners.
Other "mumblings" belong to me ^^
Time for some songs !!
CITY OF ANGELS By Thirty seconds to Mars.
A wonderful song about home and the place where your dreams came true. Most probably , the song does refer to Los Angeles :) enjoy~ till next timeeeee
Isnin, 6 April 2015
Fun at 10pm
Salam and hello everyone! I'm back for some fun!!!! And hopefully anyone who is reading this would like to join in the fun!!!
I asked my twin sister, Ani to post something alike on her blog as well, here's her blog to view hers side.
Ani's blog
Here's some introduction of what we're going to do! We're gonna answer some...I mean a hundred questions. Righty-o! 100 random questions time.
I remembered that me and Ani did our own 100 random qtns, filled with quite funny and stupid qtns, and we asked our friends to answer them as well. We really enjoyed making them, answering and enjoy our friend's answers much more.
As random as it was, it really helps us to know our friends better :P (tee-hee)
This questions we're about to answer does not belong to us, but anyhow, we do not take credits for the qtns, we only take credits for our answers!
Go to this link "100 random questions" , to answer the same questions as well ~~
Take a deep breath as we go further in the 100 questions and my more-than-100-answers!
So I finished the 100 2 days lol!!
Here's a story what happened on my first day answering this.
HAHA on the first night I managed to go almost halfway....then....there's suddenly this MOTH behind me....
My brother warned me of it...being behind me..and i didn't believe him until my sis told me so too. And she added the word "BIG" to the word well. Omg...I hugged myself in my chair not wanting to move or look back!!! Then when thay flew to the bad nearby me... I started to run to the kitchen hahaha..into the and stayed there for awhile before coming back to the room previously to put away my stuffs.
Then as we go to the stairs.....the moth went to the stair as well. lol!
***NOTE: its 11.30pm by then
***************IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't like butterflies/moth T.T
So when this moth flew above us...I ducked to the floor and crawl my way to the stair hahaha!!!!
When we did arrived above, the moth was also with us lol! And my sister and my brother ran and turned and ran around as the moth chased them...while i stayed close to the bedroom door hahaha!
And a few moments later, my sister and brother also huddled with me near the door.
I think the scene was very very hilarious, we put our hands above our head and huddle each other ahhaha...even though i was scared... I also tried hard not to laugh.
Anyway, back to the qtns, It was enjoyable to be able to answer another 100 questions ^^ Once again, questions belong to rightful owner, link can be found above.
:) Have a nice day and maybe listen to another song~ :3 click link below to listen~~
I asked my twin sister, Ani to post something alike on her blog as well, here's her blog to view hers side.
Ani's blog
Here's some introduction of what we're going to do! We're gonna answer some...I mean a hundred questions. Righty-o! 100 random questions time.
I remembered that me and Ani did our own 100 random qtns, filled with quite funny and stupid qtns, and we asked our friends to answer them as well. We really enjoyed making them, answering and enjoy our friend's answers much more.
As random as it was, it really helps us to know our friends better :P (tee-hee)
This questions we're about to answer does not belong to us, but anyhow, we do not take credits for the qtns, we only take credits for our answers!
Go to this link "100 random questions" , to answer the same questions as well ~~
This could be an enjoyable time-filler, which will enable you to get to know yourself better and to let others know as well~~Anyway, I credit these questions to their rightful owner, and I only did this for entertainment and not any profit..or whatnots.
Take a deep breath as we go further in the 100 questions and my more-than-100-answers!
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find
line 4.
".....she's been at Barlett High for fifteen years. This is our
Twelfth.." - ALL THE BRIGHT
PLACES, Jennifer Niven
2.Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you
The cupboard where we keep some references books. Its very near to
where I’m sitting now.
3.Before you started
this survey, what were you doing?
I was doing some introduction on what I’m about to do! And tell my
sister to join me as well :)
4.What is the last thing you watched on TV?
HAHAHA “Despicable Me 2”. It was almost at the end, but I watched
anyway, Agnes was simply irresistibly adorable!!
5.Without looking,
guess what time it is
10.25pm? I remember it was 10.11pm just awhile ago.
6. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
WRONG…(AGAIN) its 10.33pm….but close enough :)
7.With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
The song from my lil’ bro’s game….hmmm
8.When did you last
step outside? What were you doing?
At 9pm, an hour ago. To do some “chores”….the laundry… (-.-)
9.Did you dream last night?
Yes, I did. I dream everyday and every single time of the day!!!! :3
10.Do you remember your dreams?
it was quite disturbing…so I did. It
was an assembly at my former school. And my fellow friends from the same
batch were all there but the principal actually don’t want us to be there lol.
11.When did you last
I don’t remember when, I laughed quite a lot of times in a day….I
remember one time during our “mac & cheese” meal.
12.Do you remember
why / at what?
Not really….I think it was at my lil brother’s funny imitation or
gestures..or something hahaha
13.What is on the
walls of the room you are in?
I’m currently in the study room. And on the walls, we have (:P) my important notes on chemistry and
mathematics formulae(these which I always forgot)(only 2 sets of papers
actually) and some Jawi writings I made
14.Seen anything
weird lately?
Yes!! Encountered two butterflies today T.T and saw butterflies
everywhere around the area. Not really weird cause maybe because of the
wildfires in the bush areas nearby..
15. What do you
think of this quiz?
Oh wow!!! This totally reminds me of the ones me and my sis made years
ago!!! Haha Was that just a coincidence? Anyway, it’s fine :)
16.What is the last film you saw?
ENDER’S GAME!!!!! It was very very good!!!! Would like to rewatch this
17.If you could
live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I would like to live in Japan!! YAY!
18.If you became a
multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
BUY??? I would buy happiness for everyone I love , not literally of
course! And I would love to do some online shopping for stuffs around the
19.Tell me something
about you that most people don't know.
Hmmm, what would it be?
20.If you could
change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would
you do?
I would change and get rid of all the ideas they used as excuses for
doing violence and wars.
That they thought it’s for justice, when its obviously not. I don’t
believe that violence can ever disappear as long as that way of thinking still
21.Do you like to dance?
I do! I do!!!!! Hahaha When listening to some upbeat song (privately)
and when I brush my teethXD
22.Would you ever
consider living abroad?
I used to want it…but now, I’m not so sure :( of course….unless it’s for education, I would reconsider.
23.Does your name
make any interesting anagrams?
NOOO *cries* maybe my middle name….but not my first! Hahah what can I
do with 2 letters? But I did checked the dictionary for the meaning of my name,
and wow, suddenly my name is very interesting!! Check it out lol!!
click here to find out my name's meaning!
24.Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
My former school!!! They called me 3 times hahaha but I always “missed”
25.What is the last
thing you downloaded onto your computer?
The university application form for…unhappy stuffs.
26.Last time you
swam in a pool?
Unfortunately, I remembered swimming in an inflatable pool…so It had
been so long already. I do remember how much fun it was!! Haha I slipped from
my house’s front staircase and plunged inside the pool still with my tshirt
on(*as in not my shirt I used to swim).
Haha thankfully, the pool was filled with water. That, I remembered.
27.Type of music you
like most?
I love soft music, the instrumental ones. I also love upbeat and
cheerful songs!
28.Type of music you
dislike most?
Hmm, maybe music/songs with repetitive lyrics…lol.I wouldn’t say I
dislike them, but I rarely listen to such.
29. Are you listening
to music right now?
Yessss~ Jubyphonic’s English cover of moon-viewing
30. What color is your bedroom carpet?
Pink…? Its actually a picture of a house….so its colourful..but, mostly
31. If you could
change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what
would you do?
Make a spacious living room? Lol ours…feel kinda small. And a bigger
kitchen hahaha!! That, definitely!!
32.What was the last
thing you bought?
A book, ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES (Jennifer Niven)
33.Have you ever
ridden on a motorbike?
No!!! and the thought of riding one scares me T.T
34.Would you go
bungee jumping or sky diving?
AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! *skip question*
35.Do you have a
No…..? but my parents have one
36.Do you really know
all the words to your national anthem?
….YES…..this questions start to make me doubt about it…*suddenly stand
up and start singing*
37.What is the first
thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
“What was that just now(in my dream)”
38.If you could
eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
I don’t knowwww >.< I probably be too nervous to eat
I don’t want to take the risk chance.
39.Who sent the
last text message you received?
If its personally, It would be Jimah, my undivid8d stars sister <3 comment-3--="">3>
40.Which store
would you choose to max out your credit card?
Probably TYPO store…. But man, am I so glad that the store’s not
available here!!
41.What time is bed
Um….10mins from now..which would be 11.30 pm
42.Have you ever
been in a beauty pageant?
No, and I don’t want to either (not qualified) lol!!
43.How many tattoos
do you have?
None, I used to have hand-drawn tattoos when I’m much younger…but they
44.If you don't
have any, have you ever thought of getting one?
No, never, I won’t.
45.What did you do
for your last birthday?
Do what? Live my life as usual of course…with some expectations of
being greeted.
46. Do you carry a
donor card?
47.Who was the last person you ate dinner with?
My mom, dad, lil’ bro and my sister.
48.Is the glass half
empty or half full?
A friend once told me” it’s not about how much it is filled. It’s about
how long you’ll hold on to it.”
49.What's the
farthest-away place you've been?
Probably…Malaysia? hahaha
50.When's the last
time you ate a homegrown tomato?
Hmm, maybe a few years ago. It was from our backyard orchard.
51.Have you ever won
a trophy?
Yes, plenty of them….but only up to my Olevel years huhu
52.Are you a good
“YESSS!!! I am a masterchef at home!” is what I’d like to say….but…anyhow,
I just know how to cook, but the food are not necessarily good at all times. ;)
53.Do you know how to pump your own gas?
I don’t understand O.0 If its
talking about balls, yea…I do!
54.If you could
meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
I’m not sure….maybe…my past self.
55.Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
Hohoho, I don’t think I ever didn’t.
56.Do you touch-type?
NO...I don't think so..I type randomly.
57.What's under your
Oh you know, the normal things…dust, probably…and lost clothings….How
bout you ?*creepy smile*
58. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do, but it’s what I called self-proclaimed LOVE! As in, it might or
it might not be love at all.I mean, that would be love because of looks right?
Even Anna from frozen was proven that no such thing…actually jk
59.Think fast, what
do you like right now?
I can’t think fast enough >.< But I would say the smell of the
biscuits me,my sis and bro and mom just made few minutes ago!!
60.Where were you on Valentine's day?
Just at the places I like to be at. Don’t celebrate valentine’s .
61. What time do you get up?
That depends…..yes, that depends…on my sister.
62. What was the
name of your first pet?
Denish…just like Denish the goldfish…from Stanley’s Big Book Of Everything.
63.Who is the second
to last person to call you?
Probably my dad? I rarely got calls…or even answer them :/
64.Is there anything
going on this weekend?
Probably not.. :(
65.How are you
feeling right now?
Stress-to-happy mood…
66.What do you think
about the most?
Let’s see, maybe about growing up….and sometimes, I think of random
stuffs unrelated to life.
67.What time do you
get up in the morning?
That depends :/
68.If you had A
Big Win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
Probably till I get the actual money/ gifts on my hand?
69.Who would you tell
My sister? I don’t know, lol I don’t know lottery.
70.What is the last
movie that you saw at the cinema?
Cinderellaaaaaaaaa!!!! The remake live action!!! AWWWWW So in love with
thisss! <3 comment-3--="">3>
71.Do you sing in the
“Ladadi LAdada Ladada ohh~ Singing in the shower~~~” I dance as well :P
72.Which store would
you choose to max out your credit card?
73.What do you do most when you are bored?
Probably drawing and scribbling in a nearby notebook!!
74.What do you do for a living?
I live, I live like there’s no tomorrow!!!
75.Do you love your
Oh, I think I misunderstood the previous qtn :P lol… Still a young
76.What did you want to
be when you grew up?
An animator, a mangaka or teacher or probably an architect. 0.o The
impossibles T.T
77.If you could have
any job, what would you want to do/be?
Be a part of an animation team *eyes sparkling*
78.Which came first
the chicken or the egg?
The chicken hatched from an egg ….but the egg comes from the chicken…’s like in a cycle of life of a chicken..and there’s no start and
79.How many keys on
your key ring?
Do not own my own set of keys….
80.Where would you retire to?
That depends….?
81.What kind of car do you drive?
A non-existent one, hahaha. I’d like to have a super-environmentally
friendly flying cars one day!
82.What are your
best physical features?
Ummm? I’m not sure, maybe chubby cheek..NOT. I love my wavy hair though
83.What are your best
I’m a positive thinker most of
the times…and I’m stubborn at a great timing :D
84.If you could go
anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
To Disneyland in Hong Kong!!! :3
85.What kind of books
do you like to read?
I love fantasy books, adventures and mystery. Most books I loved have
children/preteens as the main character. I love fairies-related books as
86.Where would you
want to retire to?
Again? lol
87.What is your favorite
time of the day?
Probably night time :)
88.Where did you grow
At my old house… :’) ah so nostalgic.
89.How far away from
your birthplace do you live now?
Not so far, about an hour drive? I was born in the country I’m living
in now,
90.What are you
reading now?
The questions? lol
91.Are you a morning
person or a night owl?
Hoot! Hoot! Definitely a night owl (O>O)
92.Can you touch
your nose with your tongue?
I’m still trying, take note…still trying!!!
93. Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
YES!! I can! This is one of my awesome abilities hahaha just kidding!
94.Do you have pets?
No…but we do have 2 fishes….but I don’t exactly see them as pets O.0
95.How many rings
before you answer the phone?
Till the last one!! Hohoho… nah~ until I actually hear them, and wait a
few moments to see if it will stop ringing or not..
96.What is your best
childhood memory?
I have lots of wonderful memories…I can’t decide which is the best of
them all :’)
97.What are some of
the different jobs that you have had in your life?
I only ever worked once….my grandparents employed us for a short moment
to take care of their business ^^
98. Any new and exciting things that you would like to
Hmmm…maybe…the animation I’m working on is going to be finish soon!!!
Maybe in another 1 month hahaha. I thought of a new animation project to work
on as well, hopefully I could upload them somewhere…soon.
99.What is most important in life?
To love, to care and to give without any expectations of something more.
100.What Inspires
Random things inspire me. It may be articles from magazines/newspaper.
Other people. Arts and music. These questions inspire to keep on living as well
for there are yet many things I haven’t discover about myself
So I finished the 100 2 days lol!!
Here's a story what happened on my first day answering this.
HAHA on the first night I managed to go almost halfway....then....there's suddenly this MOTH behind me....
My brother warned me of it...being behind me..and i didn't believe him until my sis told me so too. And she added the word "BIG" to the word well. Omg...I hugged myself in my chair not wanting to move or look back!!! Then when thay flew to the bad nearby me... I started to run to the kitchen hahaha..into the and stayed there for awhile before coming back to the room previously to put away my stuffs.
Then as we go to the stairs.....the moth went to the stair as well. lol!
***NOTE: its 11.30pm by then
***************IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't like butterflies/moth T.T
So when this moth flew above us...I ducked to the floor and crawl my way to the stair hahaha!!!!
When we did arrived above, the moth was also with us lol! And my sister and my brother ran and turned and ran around as the moth chased them...while i stayed close to the bedroom door hahaha!
And a few moments later, my sister and brother also huddled with me near the door.
I think the scene was very very hilarious, we put our hands above our head and huddle each other ahhaha...even though i was scared... I also tried hard not to laugh.
Anyway, back to the qtns, It was enjoyable to be able to answer another 100 questions ^^ Once again, questions belong to rightful owner, link can be found above.
:) Have a nice day and maybe listen to another song~ :3 click link below to listen~~
I love the music, soothing and a bit upbeat at the same time. The vocalists have wonderful voice as well!! :3 Enjoy!!
Catatan (Atom)