Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

The joker gonna tell ya some jokes!!

hey guys hey hey again u must be bored reading my blog ..that's why I'm gonna make u laugh hahaha also 4 all those people who've been through a bad day . hope u're laughing!!!!

Patient: Doctor!Doctor! I can't sleep well these days
Doctor:Have U tried counting the sheeps
patient:yes, last night I counted 834,567 sheeps, n then it was time to get up.

Karen's mother:How did u do in the english test yesterday,Karen?
Karen:I failed it because of diarrhoea.
Karen's mother:I didn't know u had diarrhoea yesterday.

Karen:I didn't fail because I had it.I failed B'cos I couldn't spell it.

Mr. Olsen(enter a shop): Excuse me, I'd like a mousetrap, please.And can u make it quick? I have to catch a bus.
Shopkeeper: Here's the largest mousetrap in the shop sir, but I don't think its big enough to catch a bus.

patient: doctor pls. help me... I have a problem...I keep forgetting about my memories.

Doctor:okay, so how long have u had this problem.
patient: what problem???

Why does Sir Isaac Newton shocked when an apple hit him on the head?
Because he was sleeping under a pear tree!

well, thats all I Can give u I hope u're not sad or mad anymore!
Cheer up!

more hobbies!!



I juz wanna continue sharing my hobbies with all of u guys! My next hobby is reading.The pic. on the left are some books I like to read.My fav. books were : Driftwood and Scarlett which was written by my all-time favourite author,Cathy Cassidy.

Drawing was also one of my hobby drawing is really ugly , here's some of my drawing(which was drawn during the holiday)right->
I draw comics too oh well wa
tever oh here's another one ok bye now!!!

I'm back!!!

HeY GuYs SmeKum HellO!!! I'M BaCk ..Its 2010 N I'm In YeAr 8D huhu(OuR ClAsS Is JuZ AcRoSs oUr Old ClaSsRoOm).ThIs is A NeW YeAr so I would to share something new ...not so new!!! Its juz something I've to tell u ..I mean this blog is about me!! BUT i NEVER tell u about this n that.I know u might not want to know but I've nothing else to talk about!!! I'm trying to fulfill WEEN's request oh N I'm TrYiNg To LeArN more 'bout blogging lalala...

During the holiday(2009) I fill up my time doing something I like to do (HoBbY) well such as collecting stickers , it doesn't need much effort juz buy some stickers n a sticker album hehe...some of my stickers collection as shown above.

I'll tell u more about my other hobbies later , yesterday we made FRENCH FRIES (NeVeR knew I was such a good cook LOL!!! joking) it was pretty easy we follow the ingredients n rules from the "Chef at Home" program hehehe

That's all 4 now ,
Ana A.K.A Nana.