yo hye hello smekum .. lma dh aku nda blogging nie.Nda msa priksa ugama , I 'm so glad its so easy.By the way its holiday n it will be hari raya soon. I got story to tell well yesterday kmi shopping arh hua ho bunut n mum buys tablewares which cost $124.00 n then my bro , apek take the receipt n there's this umm..n went to the bonus counter. but did u know wat he got ? Its a pen , I told him that he got bad luck n he did . I've bought something n apek took the receipt n he got tissue , well just wat I need.
its juz some boring story hope u r not bored
Isnin, 14 September 2009
Sabtu, 29 Ogos 2009
I owe u an apology , just 4 zen
Jumaat, 28 Ogos 2009
I take back my words..

hye, smequm..lma dh ndaku blogging mlz ku wh.ari nie kmi ada 3 test, ugama(2 topics),MIB(hard)and haji.I'm hungry really......but when I'm playing my laptop I wouldn't bother to eat.h-uh rite now we r thinking of wonder star blog(p/s: wonder star is a club which I join few yrs ago) but we can't think of anything...haha well just wait just

Rabu, 19 Ogos 2009
I hate it today is the day I hated

hye evryone smekum how r u , been a long time haha aku paning bh uumm

oh forget it I like blogging more than talking to some selfish people, well I think thats all gudbye.
P/S: Weena how is your TWIN?( just kidding)
Sabtu, 1 Ogos 2009
Khamis, 16 Julai 2009
Today is my worst n my happiest day

hye, hye zen hope u r reading..how's ur flight? r u feeling ok?I hope u r..we all here hope so.I feel so sad that u weren't here Q-dah miss u so much , really she cried a lot. well we all felt the same way too.things r not like before u moved.but I get to email.. n maybe I'll call u maybe I'll sent letters too.
owh well, enough feeling depressed!!!! even though she'd moved to a farthest place there is still 1 thing that will make us be together.. that is our friendship n we don't hate each other , no matter where we are, we will never forget that.well, thats my opinion, today weena's group is presentation on ugama, they kind of cool no they r way too cool. its so fun ckgu Juraidah told us something very interesting really...I'm sure u would like to hear it too. hehe
well thats all 4 today, u may not find this blog interesting but to all of u who is reading or viewing my blog, thank you. byebye
Selasa, 14 Julai 2009
zen2 bye2 take care..

hye, lemme share u my pain,is it okay?if not don't read it then.today would be the last day we met:( well she'll be going on thursday,well at least I have some time to call or e-mail u.

hope u r healthy n make a better frenz than me. hehe bye thats all.I thanked to those who r willing to read this blog, cry as much as u can
Isnin, 6 Julai 2009
Global warning!!!!!
hye guys sorry 4 not updating..hehe weena ask me so thats Y.But I'm not gonna talk about my daily life.Maybe u had seen my topic 4 today(its not spelling error actually) global warming is still happening, if u notice the weather...its extreme!!!!n then Influenza A H1N1 is spreading all over the world careful vryone.
I dun't really know wat will happen 2 us if both of this work 2gether(d-uh wat else...we're in huge trouble) please Earth is our home , we r not aliens which go 2 another planet juz coz our planet is in big trouble ...we r not letting this happen.That's Y , all of us have to use the 3Rs(if u dunno what 3Rs are dun't ask me, go back to kindergarden will ya) hahahahLOL
well I think thats all, well don't take too serious juz b'coz I'm serious , do wat u can to save earth.
bye bye(next time will be more surprising)
I dun't really know wat will happen 2 us if both of this work 2gether(d-uh wat else...we're in huge trouble) please Earth is our home , we r not aliens which go 2 another planet juz coz our planet is in big trouble ...we r not letting this happen.That's Y , all of us have to use the 3Rs(if u dunno what 3Rs are dun't ask me, go back to kindergarden will ya) hahahahLOL
well I think thats all, well don't take too serious juz b'coz I'm serious , do wat u can to save earth.
bye bye(next time will be more surprising)
Sabtu, 20 Jun 2009
Holiday is holiday but I still miss my frenz

hye smequm vryone hehe lma dh nda blogging...but weenaask me to, so of course I won't refuse its a friend's request.Man....this is fun its holiday .... but I still miss my frenz (sigh) I wake up late evry morning man~ I'm still sleepy , 8 days before 3rd semester starts n I got homeworks 2 do.Lemme tell ya before holiday starts I said 2 myself "hahaha, homeworks?! man thats easy anyway we got 14 days afterall" d-uh I finally realise that I am way too confidence.Since u hear my story ... be sure u feel satisfied b'cos who knows I'm not gonna blogging 4 a few days. hahahah

well byebye
Sabtu, 13 Jun 2009
happy holiday
Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

hye. mequm vryone, ugh!!! schools not over yet..and there's a lot of test awaits me next week. I'm gonna put all my effort this time coz if not the teacher might start to BERCERAMAH.....hahaha sorry for my rudeness.But it feels good to tell the truth :p

there is a lot of things happened today, I feel like Laughin , Crying n of course SMILLING.say see the pix at the right?Imagine if the bear is you and an someone was trying to destroy ur whole life with just an arrow.but u done no harm 2 that person.n thats totally like I feel...TOTALLY.
All we hope is tomorrow at which we learn from yesterday.
Good Luck 2 u all maybe 4 ur test or whatsoever. n GOODBYE
Khamis, 28 Mei 2009
Drama on Monday
hye everyone. eh lma dh aku nda blogging . nda msa gipun kn priksa kliah.lps abis priksa ada test lgi tu brturut2 On Monday ada performance dri best n active CCA students in SMSB.the greatest one is from the drama n reading club (just like me). Its the modern story of Nakhoda Manis but the title is Maarif (thats wat I heard) Maarif (hana) was a boy whom respect to his mother.but one day Marif wanted to go to a university At first Marif wasn't allowed by his mother coz she need him but Marif was so happy when his mother told him that he can.To make it short Marif died in an accident coz ia yell at his mother (bureng jua aku gtau pengabisannya trpulg)in other words ia ketulahan
this story makes me laugh a lot..........haha its so funny :) wish I could act like them I would like to congratulate to those who have the guts to act inbfront of thousands of students.
Maarif-Nur Rahannah/ Maarif's mum(Ani)-Hazirah bte Arifin
Eddy-Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiyah / Suzy-Hazimah
Kamalia-Zafidah/ Izzah-Siti Nur Amalina
Alan Wu-Nur Izzah Afifat
oh well actually there's many more but I just don't know their names but congratulations 2 u all
well wish me luck 4 the test hehe gud luck to u too
this story makes me laugh a lot..........haha its so funny :) wish I could act like them I would like to congratulate to those who have the guts to act inbfront of thousands of students.

Maarif-Nur Rahannah/ Maarif's mum(Ani)-Hazirah bte Arifin
Eddy-Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiyah / Suzy-Hazimah
Kamalia-Zafidah/ Izzah-Siti Nur Amalina
Alan Wu-Nur Izzah Afifat
oh well actually there's many more but I just don't know their names but congratulations 2 u all
well wish me luck 4 the test hehe gud luck to u too
Khamis, 7 Mei 2009
Check it out
This is bad!!! REALLY bad we just ended our ugama exam (I got no. 1) n then priksa lisan has started today.>.<I am so scare...... well lets not talk about this. have u been wondering where I get this really cute n awesome emoticons.well if u don't know then u better check this out.
:>haha Enjoy byebye see ya next time

:>haha Enjoy byebye see ya next time

Khamis, 30 April 2009
FIRE! FIRE! / sport day

yesterday, 29 April 2009.(wednesday) there was fire nearby our school. the fire was small at first, but it became bigger n bigger.soon there were smoke everywhere n our school was covered in haze.but luckily nobody got injured, the fireman came n put the fire out.
like this book totally, I wanted 2 finish it today but the word LAZY is all around my head.haha.
there's fire nearby our school today but its ok the firemam came rite awy.
sports day, thats rite . MG bnyak mng just coz kaka qeedz ada ( she is soo good at running)any way I am not teasing or feeling jealous. even though they win a lot of trophy, it doesn't mean that MT lose.MT always do their best so don't give up. 4 me U GUYS R NO. 1 Menteri Taib
Memang Terbaik.
k thts all tata.

there's fire nearby our school today but its ok the firemam came rite awy.
sports day, thats rite . MG bnyak mng just coz kaka qeedz ada ( she is soo good at running)any way I am not teasing or feeling jealous. even though they win a lot of trophy, it doesn't mean that MT lose.MT always do their best so don't give up. 4 me U GUYS R NO. 1 Menteri Taib
Memang Terbaik.
k thts all tata.
Sabtu, 25 April 2009
hye hye hye hye
hye hye hye hye hye x 1000, hahaha from this title maybe some of u know how happy i was but to be honest i actually didn't feel happy or in the mood blogging,but i thought thiz will make me happy :)
heheheh..pretty boring these days well ok i m totally tired
bye ...............-ana
bye ...............-ana
Isnin, 20 April 2009
Jumaat, 17 April 2009
A new perfect day

hye everyone >.<how r u guys been doing? If u wanna k now how I been doing, that is , I am in such a bad condition. well not really . I am in such a bad mood.today I am going to tell u all about my frenz :O.
S.A*A girl(haha of course) whom I went to school with about 5 years ago. but we known each other since 2007 . she's a librarian alrite . I dun't want to write more about her. I know she's going to be mad at me. THE END.
Farhana: well she's a good fren of mine^.^ . she's a librarian too. She doesn't talk much but only about hanging out together. She moved to bandar last year.:( I miss her.
Farwizah: she is the kindest girl I ever met in the world. but she moved away in 2006. but we are still best frenz (Forever) :)hehe.
well thats all the information.haha . I am so lazy thats all. k bye bye.
S.A*A girl(haha of course) whom I went to school with about 5 years ago. but we known each other since 2007 . she's a librarian alrite . I dun't want to write more about her. I know she's going to be mad at me. THE END.
Farhana: well she's a good fren of mine^.^ . she's a librarian too. She doesn't talk much but only about hanging out together. She moved to bandar last year.:( I miss her.

Farwizah: she is the kindest girl I ever met in the world. but she moved away in 2006. but we are still best frenz (Forever) :)hehe.
well thats all the information.haha . I am so lazy thats all. k bye bye.
Khamis, 16 April 2009
my favourites

hye assalamualaikum u all.wonder how u guys been doing.I just hope u r fine....today kmi priksa tarikh n tauhid .nasib jua sng. klau inda fail kli ku.tggal 1 hri lgi priksa
lpstu free. yeah....????? :< free tkrg adalgi bnyak kn dplajari. :D lets go back to the title.
about this title I am going to write all about my favourites( I mean not that all)Maybe about 20.hehe..what is your favourite...

about this title I am going to write all about my favourites( I mean not that all)Maybe about 20.hehe..what is your favourite...
1*food n drinks:french fries , sandwich(dun'tbe mad S.a) n milo or in other words just halal 100%.
2#frenz:(I mean is there something like this in da first place??) weena ( of coz) farhana ooh theres a lot more( I am soo lazy to type all :p)
3*book= I am a nerd so I like to read something that contais about studies . Just kidding I love to read comics alrite.P/S : I am not a nerd
4>anime character : I luv a character that has cute face like Nara haha just kidding.
5< (I think this is the last one coz weena wanna read it) places: hua ho petani mall( this is the place where my frenz n go shopping), mall n bnyak lh.
bye thats all ok bye
2#frenz:(I mean is there something like this in da first place??) weena ( of coz) farhana ooh theres a lot more( I am soo lazy to type all :p)
3*book= I am a nerd so I like to read something that contais about studies . Just kidding I love to read comics alrite.P/S : I am not a nerd
4>anime character : I luv a character that has cute face like Nara haha just kidding.
5< (I think this is the last one coz weena wanna read it) places: hua ho petani mall( this is the place where my frenz n go shopping), mall n bnyak lh.
bye thats all ok bye
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