Khamis, 30 April 2009

FIRE! FIRE! / sport day

yesterday, 29 April 2009.(wednesday) there was fire nearby our school. the fire was small at first, but it became bigger n bigger.soon there were smoke everywhere n our school was covered in haze.but luckily nobody got injured, the fireman came n put the fire out.

like this book totally, I wanted 2 finish it today but the word LAZY is all around my head.haha.

there's fire nearby our school today but its ok the firemam came rite awy.
sports day, thats rite . MG bnyak mng just coz kaka qeedz ada ( she is soo good at running)any way I am not teasing or feeling jealous. even though they win a lot of trophy, it doesn't mean that MT lose.MT always do their best so don't give up. 4 me U GUYS R NO. 1 Menteri Taib
Memang Terbaik.

k thts all tata.

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