Khamis, 29 Mei 2014


Salam, and hello people..its Friday! and tomorrow's gonna be a public holiday for us, here in Brunei as it's the RBAF anniversary! which always remind me..of back then in 2011..when i desperately wanted a camera before hari raya that year (** brother's digital camera is THINK) so i tried to joined the RBAF essay writing competition hahaha to win one!(it was one of the prize) lol but i never did..because i was doubting too much!
but anyway..i'm so looking forward to this Sunday :) we are going to do a performance at the old folks home in Belait . hope we'll do just fine...haha we practised for only about 2 times, i think. hopefully everyone will enjoy our performance of TIEN MEE MEE :D 

anyway..these days im trying to finish the poster in promoting the LITTLE FREE LIBRARY at school...i feel like its a hard thing for me..since im such a perfectionist sometimes..and i'm not used in using SAI paint tool ...but i'll do my best and keep going nevertheless..YOSH! haha but i really want to try doing an artwork gallery somehow..but before tht..i must get creative and be a professionals in both SAI and microsoft paint :D so far i drew 2 characters in SAI..Abby and Ruby hahaha okay..i just noticed they sound like twins :O but they're different as their hair colour are different.....
RUBY is here above...while..Abby.haha i dont want to post that one...its my first artwork in sai(other than a drawing of a bear hahaha) and it looks a bit weird. RUby is like my 4th artwork in SAI..i hope to create more....the ones with anime-style and also cartoonish :)
i'll do my best hohoho

anyway have a nice weekend :) tata!

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