Sabtu, 5 Februari 2011

Updating my blogGround.

Hey y'all. Finally after hours n hours of searching for my forgotten ps of my
cbox,n another hours of finding my inbox msg in MSN (for reseting my cbox ps)
n another 45mins of fixing my cbox for about 19 times so it would fit n wouldn't
go out of the margin...finally I'm done?! Wait, actually I Am NOT Satisfied
with my cbox yet.Anyway I just let it be like that as I'm afraid that my OLD
mistakes will happen again. I don't want that.

NOOOOOOOOO MOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! (-UME sorry she cut me,Papermail)
That's me alright . yeah. Disappointed Nana. I got 2 in my
Tasauf. Arggh! I don't remember any question which is hard in
that paper. Well, somethings gotta be wrong, it should be my Fiqh2
getting that result(harder as I'm not prepared 4 that) But at least
I got 5 overall. :) :) Anyway, see ya!

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