Khamis, 4 November 2010
Glad u care.
Hey guys. Thx u 4 visiting my blog...somehow it show that u care. :) Glad u do. :) I'm so happy... really. IDK why but something had made me happy. I can't wait ! I'm going back to school on Mon. I get to see My friends whom I miss! :P (^^)// (cheering) ok thats all. Bye. I'm off to play games. tata.
yeah. haha.thats it?

Tomodachi ni isshouni sagashite ( lets fine a friend together). Hello n night to y'all , Babe! I feel that I'm
so disgusting. Why do I always call people Babe, sweetheart n darling these days. (to fren ok!) Btw I like
the book MEL BEEBY AGENT ANGEL .Mission: save my best friends. Melanie is such an Angel!
NEway I got the DISGUSTING influence from that book. lalala~ tata.
Jumaat, 13 Ogos 2010
HELLO~ Thx 4 viewing my blog I know its ugly. I'm so thirsty right now, patient Nana..
NE way today we went home from ugama school lil' bit early (not early my dad picked us up late) at 2.00 pm. When my sis n I got home, we went upstair to change...then my sis said that her room is smelly. That's why she took a perfume from mom's bedroom (which belongs to us) n spray a lil' on my sis room. Then the spray closer ( whatever it is dunno wat it's called) flew. Haha n she didn't notice it , she just keep on spraying. so LOL! :I hmm...bye.
NE way today we went home from ugama school lil' bit early (not early my dad picked us up late) at 2.00 pm. When my sis n I got home, we went upstair to change...then my sis said that her room is smelly. That's why she took a perfume from mom's bedroom (which belongs to us) n spray a lil' on my sis room. Then the spray closer ( whatever it is dunno wat it's called) flew. Haha n she didn't notice it , she just keep on spraying. so LOL! :I hmm...bye.
Rabu, 11 Ogos 2010

Hello Sorry 4 not updating, I'm so busy these days. I had my Malay Oral n it turned a bit okay. Congrats Nana. Today is the most miserable day of my life but I got happy when I saw cats on the way home from Ugama. Weird my sad expression will AUTOMATICALLY change into a happy face if I see cats. :)
But still even if I can't see the scars , I can feel those poisonous potion u had given me, ******. It's ok though l:I u can do watever u like...
Ok! cheer up Nana..cause tomorrow is holiday, 1st day of Ramadhan. Happy Ramadhan (???) to all muslims around the world. Haha know wat I like best bout fasting? Fireworks. :) woohoo tata.
Ahad, 8 Ogos 2010
Going out
Dear diary ,
Man its so hot. Gee u must be wondering why my title is weird I mean just like last title: Its hot but theres nothing HOT . Anyway right now I'm listening to a beautiful song hehe , as the title said, I'm going out with my FAMILY.
Bye I'm sure u guys gonna miss me haha tata gtg.
Man its so hot. Gee u must be wondering why my title is weird I mean just like last title: Its hot but theres nothing HOT . Anyway right now I'm listening to a beautiful song hehe , as the title said, I'm going out with my FAMILY.
Bye I'm sure u guys gonna miss me haha tata gtg.
so hot.
Dear blogdiary,
Hmm... I'm so hungry nah juz kidding. Its almost fasting time hooray :) Right now I am blogwalking there so many beautiful and cool blogs of people . so I wish I had a blog like them too.Sorry if my blog is ugly cause it is so bye.
I love my viewers I luv me,Nana.
Hmm... I'm so hungry nah juz kidding. Its almost fasting time hooray :) Right now I am blogwalking there so many beautiful and cool blogs of people . so I wish I had a blog like them too.Sorry if my blog is ugly cause it is so bye.
I love my viewers I luv me,Nana.
Sabtu, 7 Ogos 2010
so forgetful

Dear blogdiary,
This morning I got a TERRIBLE stomachache .My hands were trembling n I feel so cold. I decided I wanted to go home n there are some heroins (not that drugs)
whom had helped me , they're kind .
1. Syazwina (she helped me to walk around n comfort me eventhough she's fasting at that time)
2.Farah ( she comforts me :D n lend me her warm hand)
3. Edvyna (She comforts me n help me carry my bag)
4. Farzanah ( she got stomachahe but she's there 4 me)
There are also Amni well she comforts me too. I just wanna say thx u my friends. I'll make sure that I'll always be there 4 ya if u need my help. :D
Nana: I love ya guys.
Rabu, 14 Julai 2010
Back with happiness.
Dear viewers,
14.July.2010 Wed.
Back with happiness:)
C8 at eight.
Nana: Nana is here! I just wanna say that I'm so happy! OMG isn't that great that I'm....(Duk!)
(Unknown): Be quiet ! u haven't introduce me yet.
Nana: ouch! Hey wat's that PUNCH for? u better apologize if not....
I'll never welcome u in my BlogDiary AGAIN n why should I
introduce u?
(Unknown): hello have u forgotten? Today topic is about me just
Nana: umm...(whistles)
(unknown): and what with that dumb name? c8 at eight?(up)haha
y' know wat time is it right now?
Nana: grrr u ... ok fine just stay still n let me introduce u..
(unknown): I ju..
Nana: Not a single word.(stare hard)so this is my F-R-I-E-N-D, she's 12
ur..and her name is
(unknown): Happiness , My name's Happiness let me spell it
S-L-O-W-L-Y..... H-a-p-p-i-n-e-s-s.
Nana: (speechless).....
Happiness: What's with that.. hahaha priceless looks of urs
haha u'll make a good clown.
Nana: ya think? (smirk) so wat's up with yer name huh? happiness?
It doesn't suit u I mean really a girl who owns an evil look
called herself Happiness!
Happiness: oh puh-leaze I'm borned with the name Happiness 'kay?
Nana: Oh puh-leaze I've been with u for 2 years n ur name is
Samantha .
Happiness: gee wateva...(expressionless) ur blog stinks.
Nana: why u! wanna fight ?
Happiness: Bring it on! (smile)
Nana: Papermail... I'll leave the rest to u!
Papermail: don't mind them it's always like this GoGo Nana!
Happiness: (stare hard at Papermail)
Papermail: (shaking , i think I'm gonna have nightmares 4 week)
e-er and lovely Happiness.
Happiness: (gives a thumb-up) (back to the fight)
Papermail: oh before I say gudbye, just wanna tell ya....(breathe in
breathe out) Nana is a FAN of Alexander Ludwig. Bye.
Nana. papermail.
14.July.2010 Wed.
Back with happiness:)
C8 at eight.
Nana: Nana is here! I just wanna say that I'm so happy! OMG isn't that great that I'm....(Duk!)
(Unknown): Be quiet ! u haven't introduce me yet.
Nana: ouch! Hey wat's that PUNCH for? u better apologize if not....
I'll never welcome u in my BlogDiary AGAIN n why should I
introduce u?
(Unknown): hello have u forgotten? Today topic is about me just
Nana: umm...(whistles)
(unknown): and what with that dumb name? c8 at eight?(up)haha
y' know wat time is it right now?
Nana: grrr u ... ok fine just stay still n let me introduce u..
(unknown): I ju..
Nana: Not a single word.(stare hard)so this is my F-R-I-E-N-D, she's 12
ur..and her name is
(unknown): Happiness , My name's Happiness let me spell it
S-L-O-W-L-Y..... H-a-p-p-i-n-e-s-s.
Nana: (speechless).....
Happiness: What's with that.. hahaha priceless looks of urs
haha u'll make a good clown.
Nana: ya think? (smirk) so wat's up with yer name huh? happiness?
It doesn't suit u I mean really a girl who owns an evil look
called herself Happiness!
Happiness: oh puh-leaze I'm borned with the name Happiness 'kay?
Nana: Oh puh-leaze I've been with u for 2 years n ur name is
Samantha .
Happiness: gee wateva...(expressionless) ur blog stinks.
Nana: why u! wanna fight ?
Happiness: Bring it on! (smile)
Nana: Papermail... I'll leave the rest to u!
Papermail: don't mind them it's always like this GoGo Nana!
Happiness: (stare hard at Papermail)
Papermail: (shaking , i think I'm gonna have nightmares 4 week)
e-er and lovely Happiness.
Happiness: (gives a thumb-up) (back to the fight)
Papermail: oh before I say gudbye, just wanna tell ya....(breathe in
breathe out) Nana is a FAN of Alexander Ludwig. Bye.
Khamis, 1 Julai 2010
Selasa, 15 Jun 2010
Cathy Cassidy's awesome!
Hye ,How is ur holiday? Mine's not bad....I just bought Cathy Cassidy's new book. Its called Angel Cake Not a recipe book! Its very interesting, the English were easy to understand . I've finished reading it in just 2 days, I mean Its amazing n I totally can't stop. When I finished reading it, I started to imagine the story again n again. (I'm still thinking about it) I wanted to buy her new book , Cherry Crush!
OOOH! I got a story of my own, Yesterday my sis n I went to my cousin's house which is located just across my house. I wore my bro's slippers(I didn't ask his permission though) The slippers, of course were too big but I like to wear it. I was chatting with my cousin in aa room when my lil' bro came in. After a few sec , he was gone. It was getting dark so we decided to go home ... but I found out that the slipper's were gone!!!! Just across the house, on my garden .... My lil' bro was holding the slippers.
I tried to walk bare foot but since the road is rocky I decided not I told my sis to go home n get me the slippers.
MORAL: ????
OOOH! I got a story of my own, Yesterday my sis n I went to my cousin's house which is located just across my house. I wore my bro's slippers(I didn't ask his permission though) The slippers, of course were too big but I like to wear it. I was chatting with my cousin in aa room when my lil' bro came in. After a few sec , he was gone. It was getting dark so we decided to go home ... but I found out that the slipper's were gone!!!! Just across the house, on my garden .... My lil' bro was holding the slippers.
I tried to walk bare foot but since the road is rocky I decided not I told my sis to go home n get me the slippers.
MORAL: ????
Ahad, 6 Jun 2010

Hye all .. how's ur holiday hope its fun! Juz got back from x-tra class (few hours ago) I wanted to thanks weena I mean Iween for editing my blog.. Its wonderful!!! I totally like ... I hope the viewers love it too! oh here's a very wonderful poem ( friendship poem)
Your friendship is special Like the flowers that bloom, Or when a butterfly emerges From within its cocoon...
You remind me of that butterfly, Loving and free, Bright and colorful, For the world to see... We will share sunshine and rainbows; Sometimes, the rain and the snow; We'll stand together through it, While the cold winds blow...
When the time is right, We won't stop to ask "Why?" Our friendship will take flight On the wings of a butterfly ...
Sabtu, 8 Mei 2010
:< sick
Hey allsorry lma dah nda update .... oh weena sorry akuu nda skool I'm sick since Thursday 6.5.2010 (Poor nana:()) ne way I'm ok now except 4 my throat n voice... I sound like a frog. My blogs so old fashioned rigth... if there's a Beauty Blog contest =:( of course I'm no.1 at the b
ack so I'm trying to make my blog look nice .... bye.Dun't complain! Poor Nana :(

Khamis, 1 April 2010
Bedtime story: Frog Fright

When I peek in I saw something very big... OMG it was a frog , I let the shoes go and the frog hop out of the shoes AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!( 4 ur information , I'm screaming) aaaah I ran with my bare foot (well at least I wear a socks)
MORAL:Do not take anyone's things without their permission or something bad'll happened 2 u juz like wat happened to me.
thx 4 viewing my blog again hehe tata!
School school school....

Hye y'

It's soo fun really we wash this, vacuum this that here there blablabla! oh there's some pics ... sorry if the pics not that clear.
anyway I'll stop 4 a while tata..
Isnin, 22 Mac 2010
FUN short-not-so-long holiday

Hey thx for viewing, as u all know it's holiday in Brunei (maybe in other countries too) and for only 10 days ... and I have a lots n lots of homework. I don't think I can finish it argh!!! oh yeah read this
Goodbye Qash and Qis,
u 2 are the one I'm gonna miss.
Being with u are like fairytales
so DON'T forget to sent me e-mails.
Catatan (Atom)