hye, hye zen hope u r reading..how's ur flight? r u feeling ok?I hope u r..we all here hope so.I feel so sad that u weren't here Q-dah miss u so much , really she cried a lot. well we all felt the same way too.things r not like before u moved.but I get to email.. n maybe I'll call u maybe I'll sent letters too.
owh well, enough feeling depressed!!!! even though she'd moved to a farthest place there is still 1 thing that will make us be together.. that is our friendship n we don't hate each other , no matter where we are, we will never forget that.well, thats my opinion, today weena's group is presentation on ugama, they kind of cool no they r way too cool. its so fun ckgu Juraidah told us something very interesting really...I'm sure u would like to hear it too. hehe
well thats all 4 today, u may not find this blog interesting but to all of u who is reading or viewing my blog, thank you. byebye
hye, lemme share u my pain,is it okay?if not don't read it then.today would be the last day we met:( well she'll be going on thursday,well at least I have some time to call or e-mail u.
Farzanah is going to Pakistan 4 1 year coz her father needs to go there.well there's nothing I can do to stop u zen,bye bye n take care , I'm gonna miss u lots.
hope u r healthy n make a better frenz than me. hehe bye thats all.I thanked to those who r willing to read this blog, cry as much as u can
hye guys sorry 4 not updating..hehe weena ask me so thats Y.But I'm not gonna talk about my daily life.Maybe u had seen my topic 4 today(its not spelling error actually) global warming is still happening, if u notice the weather...its extreme!!!!n then Influenza A H1N1 is spreading all over the world careful vryone.
I dun't really know wat will happen 2 us if both of this work 2gether(d-uh wat else...we're in huge trouble) please Earth is our home , we r not aliens which go 2 another planet juz coz our planet is in big trouble ...we r not letting this happen.That's Y , all of us have to use the 3Rs(if u dunno what 3Rs are dun't ask me, go back to kindergarden will ya) hahahahLOL
well I think thats all, well don't take too serious juz b'coz I'm serious , do wat u can to save earth.
bye bye(next time will be more surprising)