Been a long time since I last updated my blog!!! But today i somehow..I
dunno..I feel inspired to update it!!! :) I was very happy indeed, well..
actually few hours ago, my class,9xp (xcept for Enny, too bad) and 10xp
went to Mahad to WITNESS the AMAZING debate competition between
our school n PAP Masnah!!! I feel that.."wow" OUR SCHOOL HAD REACHED
THE FINAL STAGE!!!!!(for the 1st time , I guess) And the representatives are
Hajah Fathin, Izzati and Nadhirah (*sorry for spelling error or wrong name)
They were awesome! One of my friend from the other school(PAP Masnah)
is also competiting!!!!
They were awesome!! I was nervous at the competition..as if I was the one
will compete, LOL! :) And Hjh won the best speaker!! And also Wana.
I know maybe u don't know or even understand wat I'm saying but d-uh!
But too bad our school didn't win but still I am happy for them!!!!!!!!!
They'r just sooo awesome!They just inspired me to participate in many
activities!! They just activate the spirit inside of me! Actually it HAD
been activated since we moved to the new building, and because of my
friends and 10xp!!! :) wish could've known them better b4 they leave next
year:(. But surely I wanna try my best in everything!!! GO me!! Go everyone!!
Congrats to all participants of the debate, to PAP Masnah n most of my congrats
go to SMSB!!!! :) Glad I was in this school!!!Tata(lazy to colour my text)