HELLO~ Thx 4 viewing my blog I know its ugly. I'm so thirsty right now, patient Nana..
NE way today we went home from ugama school lil' bit early (not early my dad picked us up late) at 2.00 pm. When my sis n I got home, we went upstair to change...then my sis said that her room is smelly. That's why she took a perfume from mom's bedroom (which belongs to us) n spray a lil' on my sis room. Then the spray closer ( whatever it is dunno wat it's called) flew. Haha n she didn't notice it , she just keep on spraying. so LOL! :I hmm...bye.
Jumaat, 13 Ogos 2010
Rabu, 11 Ogos 2010

Hello Sorry 4 not updating, I'm so busy these days. I had my Malay Oral n it turned a bit okay. Congrats Nana. Today is the most miserable day of my life but I got happy when I saw cats on the way home from Ugama. Weird my sad expression will AUTOMATICALLY change into a happy face if I see cats. :)
But still even if I can't see the scars , I can feel those poisonous potion u had given me, ******. It's ok though l:I u can do watever u like...
Ok! cheer up Nana..cause tomorrow is holiday, 1st day of Ramadhan. Happy Ramadhan (???) to all muslims around the world. Haha know wat I like best bout fasting? Fireworks. :) woohoo tata.
Ahad, 8 Ogos 2010
Going out
Dear diary ,
Man its so hot. Gee u must be wondering why my title is weird I mean just like last title: Its hot but theres nothing HOT . Anyway right now I'm listening to a beautiful song hehe , as the title said, I'm going out with my FAMILY.
Bye I'm sure u guys gonna miss me haha tata gtg.
Man its so hot. Gee u must be wondering why my title is weird I mean just like last title: Its hot but theres nothing HOT . Anyway right now I'm listening to a beautiful song hehe , as the title said, I'm going out with my FAMILY.
Bye I'm sure u guys gonna miss me haha tata gtg.
so hot.
Dear blogdiary,
Hmm... I'm so hungry nah juz kidding. Its almost fasting time hooray :) Right now I am blogwalking there so many beautiful and cool blogs of people . so I wish I had a blog like them too.Sorry if my blog is ugly cause it is so bye.
I love my viewers I luv me,Nana.
Hmm... I'm so hungry nah juz kidding. Its almost fasting time hooray :) Right now I am blogwalking there so many beautiful and cool blogs of people . so I wish I had a blog like them too.Sorry if my blog is ugly cause it is so bye.
I love my viewers I luv me,Nana.
Sabtu, 7 Ogos 2010
so forgetful

Dear blogdiary,
This morning I got a TERRIBLE stomachache .My hands were trembling n I feel so cold. I decided I wanted to go home n there are some heroins (not that drugs)
whom had helped me , they're kind .
1. Syazwina (she helped me to walk around n comfort me eventhough she's fasting at that time)
2.Farah ( she comforts me :D n lend me her warm hand)
3. Edvyna (She comforts me n help me carry my bag)
4. Farzanah ( she got stomachahe but she's there 4 me)
There are also Amni well she comforts me too. I just wanna say thx u my friends. I'll make sure that I'll always be there 4 ya if u need my help. :D
Nana: I love ya guys.
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